This is a simple DockerFile for generating an image to quickly set-up your Jekyll development environment on Windows or MacOS.
in order to build the image move to the "Docker" directory in the root of the project and issue:
$ docker build -t covid_dev .
this will build the docker image with covid_dev as tag name, of course, you can change the name to assign to the image.
in order to run the image, form the root of the project, type:
$ docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/opt -p 4000:4000 --name covid -it covid_dev
- --rm tells docker to remove the container after stopping it
- -v ${PWD}:/opt mounts the root of the project int he /opt folder of the container
- -p forward port 4000 of localhost to port 4000 of the container
- --name gives a name to the container
- -it in order to allow the in
the container will install Ruby dependncies in vendor/bundle path and will run the serve command: bundle exec jekyll serve
you are now ready to start, type in your browser to access the website