Edgehero.js 1.2
EDGEHERO.JS More power, Less code
The purpose of the edgehero extension library is to simplify and improve your workflow while you are working on an Adobe Edge Animate project. By removing the need to write a lot of code to implement popular features, it will allow you to save time and get your project published in record time. Edgehero.js supports centering, forms/inputs, html5 video,html5 audio, menus, canvas, youtube/vimeo embeding, 3D rotate including 3dcubes, slideshows, and a lot more!
Edgehero.js is a Jquery libary so it needs the jquery script enabled
Documantation + downloads at: http://www.edgehero.com/edgehero Examples: http://edgehero.com/examples/
Changes update 1.1
- Horizontal Scrolling added, use class hscroll.
- Backgroundimage added, alwase fit an image to the background, use class backgroundimage
- Firefox backgroundvideo bug fixed.
- List of minor bugs fixed
- Optimised script
Changes update 1.2
- val_ added, with this you can change the title of the input submit button.
- backgroundvideo_ can also be put on a video that is imported directly in edge animate.
- videolink_ can also be put on a video that is imported directly in edge animate
- Firefox bugs fixed.