Sensu plugins repository

travis-build rubygems-version

This repository contains custom Sensu plugins developed by Edgelab.

How to use in development

After cloning the repository, in the repo directory:

  • Install dependecies:

    bundle install --path .gems
  • You can run one of the bin/ script with the correct dependencies using:

    bundle exec bin/my-script.rb
  • Sanity checks with rake in the bundle context:

    bundle exec rake

How to create a new release

The repository is hosted on and uses Bitbucket Pipeline for continuous integration.

Each commit on master will trigger a new build which run the rake command (with Rubocop code lint) but no gemfile will be created.

To create a new release, after having changed the version in sensu-plugins-edgelab.gemspec and commit it in master, create a new git tag:

# X.X.X is the new version in the gempsec file, tag should be prefix by 'v'
git tag vX.X.X
git push --tags

Pipeline will run a new build and, if successfull, create a new gem and push it to Rubygem.