
A Laravel Admin Starter project with Page Builder, Roles, Impersonation, Analytics, Blog, News, Banners, FAQ, Testimonials and more

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Laravel CMS Starter Project

A Laravel CMS Starter project with AdminLTE theme and core features.

  • Laravel 5.5
  • Laravel 5.4 (Branch Laravel 5.4)
  • Laravel 5.2 (Branch Laravel 5.2)

Preview project here

What is New?

  • Upgraded to Laravel 5.5 and added many new 'components (blog, news, banners, etc)'
  • Page Builder (CRUD website pages with 3 different components)

Features / What it includes

  • Admin LTE admin theme
  • Members (website and admin users)
  • Google Analytics Reports (with charts)
  • Website Page Builder
  • Log Website Activities (if contact us was submitted, etc)
  • Notifications (Laravel notifications)
  • Log Admin Activities (when admin create,edit,delete a resource)
  • Bootstrap Alerts and Form Error messages. package; bpocallaghan/alert
  • Flash a Notification after a CRUD resource action. package; bpocallaghan/notify
  • Generate crud resource, individual files. package; bpocallaghan/generators
  • Impersonate any of your customers
  • Roles, Assign roles to the user and navigation to exlude navigation for a user.
  • Manage Blog, Banners, FAQ, Photos and many more.

Setup (Basic)

  • download zip
  • composer install
  • rename .env.example - .env
  • php artisan key:generate
  • open .env and set the app info (url, title, description, etc)
  • create your database and set db name in .env
  • php artisan migrate
  • php artisan db:seed
    • open database\seeds\UserTableSeeder.php to enter your admin user
  • open your browser (http://laravel-admin.dev)
  • log into the admin (http://laravel-admin.dev/admin) with your admin user

Setup (Advanced)

Admin LTE

If you would like to change the default skin. Please have a look in webpack.mix.js Line ~110 and uncomment the desired skin. Please also remember to update the skin's name in 'views\layouts\admin.blade.php' - <body class="skin-blue">


  • Move the 'core' files to the titan package
  • Move the admin 'components' to packages (The idea is to have Banners, Testimonials, Blog, etc in seperate packages to include when needed)
  • Update website style
  • Unit Testing
  • Vuejs

Thank you


Please keep in mind this is for my personal workflow and might not fit your need. This is my starter project for most crud admin portals. I try to keep it clean, flexibly and friendly to use. This is not a complete project or best practises, just trying to help the community :). Please let me know about any issues or if you have any suggestions.

Change log

Please see the CHANGELOG for more information about changes.

My Packages Included

  • File Generators Laravel 5 File Generators with config and publishable stubs
  • Notify Laravel 5 Flash Notifications with icons and animations and with a timeout
  • Alert A helper package to flash a bootstrap alert to the browser via a Facade or a helper function.
  • Impersonate User This allows you to authenticate as any of your customers.
  • Sluggable Provides a HasSlug trait that will generate a unique slug when saving your Laravel Eloquent model.