
Script that pushes changes from an asana workspace to a hipchat room

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Here you'll find a script that pushes changes from an Asana workspace to a HipChat room.

This script was created during our work on hikewith.me.

Thanks goes out to HipChat and Ajimix for their libraries.

notification features

  • new workspace has been created
  • new project has been created
  • new task has been created
    • new task
  • task changes
    • assigned
    • changed task
    • completed
    • completed task
    • due date changed
    • task informations changed (due, name ...)
    • changed task

planed feature

  • notifications on task comments
  • send creator on new workspace, project



  • php5-sqlite

      # apt-get install php5-sqlite

script installation

$ git clone https://github.com/edi-design/asana-hipchat.git asana_hipchat
$ cd asana_hipchat/ext-lib
$ wget https://raw.github.com/ajimix/asana-api-php-class/master/asana.php
$ wget https://raw2.github.com/hipchat/hipchat-php/master/src/HipChat/HipChat.php
$ cd ../config
$ cp config.example.php config.php
$ vi config.php

Edit the config.php according to your asana and hipchat installation. The following params need to be set.

 * Asana configuration
// api key
define('ASANA_API_KEY', 'asana_api_key_here');

// if workspace id is empty, it will check all workspaces
 * @todo implement this feature
define('ASANA_WORKSPACE_ID', 'asana_workspace_id_here');

 * hipchat configuration
// api_key
define('HIPCHAT_API_KEY', 'hipchat_api_key_here');

// room_id
define('HIPCHAT_API_ROOM', 0000);

// turn notifications on and off

// hipchat name of notifier
define('HIPCHAT_NOTIFIER', 'Asana');

 * script configuration
define('SQLITE_DATA_FILE', BASE_DIR . '/db/asana.sqlite');

run script

  • simple one-time run

      $ php asana.php 
  • cron script every 5 minutes

      $ crontab -e
      */5  *    *    *    *  /usr/bin/php /path/to/script/asana.php