
Showing off how laravel and angular can work together in 30 minutes

Primary LanguagePHP

This repo was used for the January Laravel Meetup It aims to show what is possible with the Laravel Framework, combined with the AngularJS Framework.

The App

The app we're going to build is a shopping list app.

Basic functionality (will be implemented at the beginning, during the 20 first minutes)

  • Adding an item
  • Viewing items
  • Checking/Unchecking item
  • Deleting item
  • Grouping items by checked/unchecked

Advanced articles to answer questions more specifically

There's a very interesting article about DOM-caching in angular: http://blog.scalyr.com/2013/10/31/angularjs-1200ms-to-35ms/

To bind html instead of just text (but the input still gets sanitized, so the script tags will be removed), you have to use ng-bind-html and trust the input using http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist(['self',...]);

Have a look at the Batarang Chrome extension, which creates a special tab in Chrome Developper tools to debug your AngularJS App (and shows which parts aren't performant) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/angularjs-batarang/ighdmehidhipcmcojjgiloacoafjmpfk

Advanced features (you choose which one you'd like to see)

  • Grouping items by type: vegetables, meat, fish, ... --- uses relationships
  • Creating multiple lists --- uses nested resources URL: lists/5/items

More advanced features

  • Laravel API security --- uses filters
  • Rate limiting --- uses filters

What I did step by step

  • running composer [done]
  • importing vendor files in public/js/vendor [done]
  • importing jeffrey ways generator tool: https://github.com/JeffreyWay/Laravel-4-Generators [done]
  • run command: php artisan generate:scaffold item --fields="name:string,number:int,checked:boolean" [done]
  • run migration and seeding [done]