
Primary LanguageXSLTGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


© 2022 by Berlin-Brandenburg Academey of Sciences and Humanities

Developed by TELOTA, a DH working group of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academey of Sciences and Humanities
http://www.bbaw.de/telota telota@bbaw.de

For more infomation about ediarum see <www.ediarum.org>.

Lead Developer:

  • Martin Fechner

What does it do?

ediarum.WEB.template contains all files to start a new project with ediarum.WEB.

With the help of ediarum.WEB, developers can build an entire website or just a backend used for XML based digital editions. The different functions of the library support routing, api generation, and frontend templating.


For a full documentation of the features of ediarum.WEB see here: https://github.com/ediarum/ediarum.WEB.

An introduction how to use ediarum.WEB is available at https://www.ediarum.org/docs/ediarum-web-step-by-step/index.html.

For more information about application development for eXist-db see http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/doc/documentation.


Start a new project

  1. Create a new directory ediarum.myproject.web.
  2. Copy all files from this repo into ediarum.myproject.web.
  3. Update information in build.properties (project name, author, etc.) which is used in the ANT build process (see below).
  4. Add information and API endpoints to appconf.xml.

Build the application

Using ant

  1. ant build-xar

Without ant

  1. Add current information to expath-pkg.xml
  2. zip root directory as myproject_v0.1.0.xar


  1. Install the latest ediarum.web.xar via eXist-db Dashboard.
  2. Install myproject_v0.1.0.xar via eXist-db Dashboard.

Generate an API documentation in the OPENAPI format

Using ant

  1. ant openapi

Without ant

  1. Transform the appconf.xml with appconf2openapi.xsl
  2. and the result with xml2yml.xsl
  3. Save as OPENAPI.yml

Change dashboard icon

Replace icon.png with the icon of your choice.


ediarum.WEB.template is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

ediarum.WEB.template is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ediarum.WEB.template. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Third party licences

ediarum.WEB.template includes software from third parties, which are licensed seperately.


Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2018