
Common Library Index Service

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Common Library Index Service

Build and Run

  1. First, you need to install nodejs v6.4.0. You can follow the instructions here NodeJS.

  2. Install all the dependencies:

$ npm install
  1. You must set some environment variables before running the application:
$ export CL_ES_URL=localhost:9200
$ export CL_RMQ_URL=amqp://localhost

Note: CL_RMQ_PREFETCH_COUNT defines the max number of messages delivered to a consumer at once. More info: https://www.rabbitmq.com/consumer-prefetch.html

  1. Before executing the main file, you need to make sure that your rabbitMQ and elasticSearch instances are running.

  2. Execute the main file to start the server:

$ chmod +x bin/index_service
$ ./bin/index_service
  1. If you want to run tests:
$ npm test

Build and deploy docker image

$ curl -u<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> https://edify.jfrog.io/edify/api/npm/auth > ~/.npmrc
$ rm -rf node_modules/
$ npm install
$ docker build -t cl-index .
$ docker tag cl-index edify-dkr.jfrog.io/cl-index:SEMANTIC_VERSION
$ docker login edify-dkr.jfrog.io
$ docker push edify-dkr.jfrog.io/cl-index