
Simple API project that pulling fake social networks at parallel way, and return result

Primary LanguageHTML


  • Grape For fast and well designed API
  • Swagger for interactive api documentation
  • Latest Rails without activerecord for flexibility, live documentation and caching purposes (Swager need rails sprockets to show interactive api documentation)
  • Latest Ruby (2.6.5)
  • RSpec For Tests
  • Tests Coverage 99% by SimpleCov
  • Code Inspected by RuboCop
  • Pry For Easy Debugging And Code Inspecting
  • Based on Typhoeus parallel requests sending
  • For sending requests for each social network used special pull of parallel requests (10 by default, but configurable), with restarting failed requests, until first success request with json body. Maximum number of restarts is also configurable parameter (30 by default), if after 30 restarts we still not have any success json response, we will return empty array
  • Each social network also pulling at parallel way
  • In average, successful result, from all social networks, without caching is obtained in less than 0.7 seconds
  • Success response from social network will be cached, and stored for 1 minute (can be changed)
  • To allow caching please create tmp/caching-dev.txt file


  • Ruby = 2.6.5


  • Goto project's folder in your terminal
  • Run bundle install


  • Goto project's folder in your terminal
  • Run bundle install


  • Start server rails s
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/

API Documantation

  • Start server rails s
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/documentation

Running tests

  • rspec spec/

Tests Coverage Report

  • Not At .gitignore for easy review
  • Open In Browser coverage/index.html

Code Quality report

  • Run rubocop