
Simple Rails 6 & Bootstrap 5 React Chat application

Primary LanguageRuby


Used Technologies

  • Ruby (2.7.2)
  • Rails 6.0.4 - this version was released at June 15, 2021
  • React For JS part group chats
  • Bootstrap 5 as UI framework
  • Pundit for authorization system
  • Devise for simple UI authentication
  • Roar for api representers (serializers)
  • RSpec For Unit & API Tests
  • Capybara For UI tests
  • Pry For Easy Debugging And Code Inspecting
  • MySQL for relative database
  • Webpacker for modern style js packaging (with yarn, babel, etc)

Patterns & Rails Enhancements

  • Form Objects - for creating user messages (other types of usual things like Service Objects are not needed for current functionality)
  • Representers - for serialization of data (representers is correct name that is recommended by the Roar authors)
  • ActionCable for real time events
  • ActiveJob for message broadcasting
  • Customized Bootstrap styles for Group Chat page
  • Customized Devise views with adding bootstrap styles

What Does It Do?

  • Welcome Groups is a simple group chat application
  • Users are able to sign up and sign in with using devise - everybody can sign up, confirmations, and other not required functionality are disabled
  • To sign up, users need to enter their login & email & password. Login is visible to other users, and should be unique as well as email
  • User is able to update credentials & login at UI
  • Each user is able to create groups
  • User is able to remove or update the name of the group that he/she created
  • Everybody can see all groups, and can write messages to all groups
  • When a user enters the group show page, he/she see Group Chat - where the current user's messages are on the right, and other users' messages are on the left side
  • Group Chat is using React for js side
  • Action Cable is responsible for the dynamic part of the Group Chat
  • When a user sends a message to group, other users that are inside such Group Chat will see it
  • When the Group Owner renames the Group Chat,users that are inside this Group Chat will see it without page reloading
  • When the Group Owner removes the Group Chat- users that are inside thisGroup Chat` will be redirected to the root page

How does it work?

  • When User go to Group Chat he subscribes to GroupChatChannel by using GroupChatChannelFactory at the client side. Such subscription activates just when the user go to Group Chat page
  • React part is using several components: base, chat message, message list and chat name
  • Existing messages for the Group Chat will be loaded when the user goes to the Group Chat - without additional API - just on the page
  • All broadcasting is done inside background jobs
  • System has seeds for basic data

Code Analysis

  • Tests Coverage 98% by SimpleCov, including specs for browser requests, representers, background jobs, models, channels specs, policies and forms
  • Code Inspected by RuboCop, no offenses detected. Styles Unified by the creating rubocop.yml and fixing all related styles issues
  • Code Inspected for security vulnerabilities by Brakeman, no warnings found
  • eslint configured for inspecting js part. JS part was inspected by the eslint && eslint-plugin-react


  • Ruby = 2.7.2
  • MySQL
  • Node.js >= 12


  • Go to the project's folder in your terminal
  • Configure config/database.yml with your local credentials
  • Run bundle
  • Run rake db:setup
  • Run yarn install


  • Start server rails s
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/
  • Use email1@mail.com with 123456 password or Sign up


  • rake db:seed

Running tests

  • rspec spec/

Tests Coverage Report

  • run COVERAGE=true rspec ./spec

Code Quality Report

  • Run rubocop

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