
A high level programming language powered by Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Welcome to Filipe version 0.1 alpha 7

An interpreted, static typed, single threaded programming language powered by Rust.

Filipe still primitive and limited although it has support for:

  • Arithmetic operations
  • variables declaration
  • if-else statments
  • loop statments
  • Native Data types int, float, boolean, string, null
  • Built-in function typeof
  • User defined functions
  • Import Builtin Modules io, math, random
  • Arrays (experimental)

Filipe was designed to be a high level programming language and beginner friendly, that why it has a clear syntax and an enhanced error reporting mechanisms.


  1. hello world
import io

define main(): void {
  io.puts("Hello, world!")

  1. more examples...
import io

let name: string = "Jonh Harvard"
let age = 87
let height: float = 1.86
let favoriteLangs = ["Haskell", "Ocaml", "Rust"]

if height >= 1.90 {
    io.puts(name, " is tall above avg.")
} else {
    io.puts(name, " isn't so much tall")

for x in range(0, 10) {
    if x % 2 == 0 {
        io.puts(x, " is even")


io.puts("Favorite prog. lang.: ")
for lang in favoriteLangs {

Try it now

Just for Linux users, are you on windows? if so figure out your self sorry 😂

  1. clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/edilson258/filipe.git
  1. build it
cd filipe
cargo build
  1. start REPL
cargo run
  1. run from file (*.fl)
cargo run run <path_to_file>

Note: replace <path_to_file> with path to filipe script


as a php developer with Quick and Dirty mindset i only wrote few tests 😂

cargo test


Feel free to fork it and play with it.