
Sync Google Photos on a local disk

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Google Photos Sync

Sync Google Photos on a local disk.


Set up

  1. Get credentials.json from google console and put them into the secrets folder
  2. Set photo path in config.json (along with other params)
  3. Run node app

How it works

It has 3 cron jobs which are:

  • getting and caching google photo metadata (4x a day)
  • probing files for their content length - file change detection (every hour - a limited number of items)
  • actually downloading files (every hour - a limited number of items)

CLI commands


It will load and set up jobs and that's it.

$ node app

output verbose logs

$ node app -v

count number of metadata items downloaded and stored

$ node app -c

run a specific job once and exit

$ node app --job <job-name> --params <job-params-space-separated>
$ node app --job probeMediaItemRefresh --params <<renewIfOlderThanDays>> <<numberOfItems>>

$ node app --job downloadMediaItemFile --params <<limitNumberOfItems>>

$ node app --job searchMediaItemsJob --params <<numOfDaysBack>> <<limitNumOfItems>>

$ node app --job appStartupJob


[ ] resume download -- right now it overwrites if a file is partially downloaded