
IL_Trafficgen is a DPDK packet gen based traffic generator which together with the built-in test features in the NGIC provide a simple means of testing the performance envelope and operation of the EPC. The IL_Trafficgen S1U generator generates Uplink (UL) GTPU packets on the S1U interface to the Serving Gateway User Plane (SGWU) for a defined number of devices (one flow per attached User Equipment) at a defined packet rate and packet size. The de-capsulated processed emerging from the SGi interface the NGIC Packet Gateway User Plane (PGWU) are counted by the IL_Trafficgen SGi responder and fed back to the S1U generator over an out of band connection between the IL_Traffic S1U generator and the SGi responder. The IL_Trafficgen SGi responder also represents the Application Server being access by the User Equipment Flows and can generate Down Link (DL) response packets on the SGi interface to the PGWU. The DL processed encapsulated packets are communicated to the S1U generator, counted and tallied.

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

il_trafficgen setup is used to measure the sustainable frame rate for a specified number of flows, PPS and packet size. il_trafficgen is used to transmit packets to data-plane which inturn does a packet forwarding to il_trafficgen responder/generator.

il_trafficgen test setup

                 -------------    s1u    -----------                     Aim: For a specified number of flows, PPS and pkt size,
                |    P0-Rx    |----<----|           |<-- -                    compute Uplink(UL) and Downlink(DL) loss
                |    P0-Tx    |---->----| P0        |---> |
                |             |         |           |   | |                   UL loss = P0-Tx - P1-Rx
                |             |         |           |   | |                   DL loss = P1-Tx - P0-Rx
                |il_trafficgen|         |data-plane |   v ^
                |             |         |           |   | |
                |    P1-Rx    |----<----|           |<--  |
                |    P1-Tx    |---->----| P1        |----->
                |             |   sgi   |           |
                 -------------           -----------

il_trafficgen directory structure

  1. il_trafficgen: Download "il_trafficgen" under /opt directory from git clone https://@ilpm.intel-research.net/bitbucket/scm/vccbbw/il_trafficgen.git Sample: After "il_trafficgen" is downloaded, directories would be /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen /opt/il_trafficgen/dpdk

Build il_trafficgen using script

Inside "/opt/il_trafficgen" folder perform below steps to install il_trafficgen: - Execute : ./install.sh - Using install.sh script build pktgen and install it's dependencies.

Build Manualy

  1. Build dpdk application as below: 1.1 cd /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen 1.2 Execute command: "source setenv.sh" 1.3 cd /opt/il_trafficgen/dpdk 1.4 Execute: make config T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc O=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc 1.5 cd x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc 1.6 make -j 20

  2. Build "pktgen" application by executing "make" command in /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen


  1. Bind the DPDK ports that are to be used in il_trafficgen to forward or receive packets. Example: To bind port 81:00.0 and 81:00.1, run /opt/il_trafficgen/dpdk/usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b igb_uio 81:00.0 81:00.1
  2. Configure /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen/autotest/user_input.cfg


Configure below parameters:

test_duration --> Test duration (Packets would be forwarded from il_trafficgen to data-plane application for this set duration). If test_duration is set to 0, the packets would be forwarded for infinite time. User will have to manually execute stop commands to stop packet transmission flows --> Number of flows to be tested in the test run ue_ip_range --> Range of unique UE's IPs that needs to be used to create unique flows Example: ue_ip_range = to NOTE: The range should be greater than or equal to the number of 'flows' field no_of_enb --> Number of eNB that have to be used Example: no_of_enb = 80 enb_ip_range --> Range of unique eNB IPs that needs to be used to create unique flows Example: enb_ip_range = to NOTE: The range should be greater than or equal to the number of 'no_of_enb' field app_srvr_ip_range --> Range of unique APP Server IPs that needs to be used to create unique flows Example: app_srvr_ip_range = to NOTE: Current implementation considers only one dst IP for unique flows s1u_sgw_ip --> IP address of s1u interface of data-plane gen_host_ip --> il_trafficgen generator HOST IP address resp_host_ip --> il_trafficgen responder HOST IP address s1u_port --> DPDK port to be used by il_trafficgen generator(s1u) sgi_port --> DPDK port to be used by il_trafficgen responder(sgi) p0_src_mac --> Mac address of port 0 interface of il_trafficgen generator(s1u) p0_dst_mac --> Mac address of port 0 interface of data-plane(s1u) p1_src_mac --> Mac address of port 1 interface of il_trafficgen responder(sgi) p1_dst_mac --> Mac address of port 1 interface of data-plane(sgi) pps --> PPS(Packets Per Second) value to be used pkt_size --> Packet size to be used protocol --> Protocol to be used. Ex: tcp/udp proto_type --> Protocol type to be used. Ex: ipv4 core_list --> Cores to be used by il_trafficgen application NUMA0/1_MEM --> NUMA node to be used by il_trafficgen application


Note: Configure and Run data-plane application before start sending traffic by il_trafficgen generator.

SCREEN MODE Run 'il_nperf.sh' located in /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen

1. Start il_trafficgen (as generator)in one terminal
cd /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen
./il_nperf.sh –g

wait for the il_trafficgen command prompt to appear on screen.

2. Start il_trafficgen (as responder)in another terminal
cd /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen
./il_nperf.sh –r

Wait for the il_trafficgen command prompt to appear on screen.

3. To send uplink traffic
Execute "start 0" to generate Uplink traffic(i.e., P0-Tx --> P1-Rx) on GENERATOR prompt.
>start 0

4. To send downlink traffic
Execute "start 0" to generate Downlink traffic(i.e., P0-Rx <-- P1-Tx) on RESPONDER prompt.
>start 0

5. To send traffic uplink and downlink run step 3 and 4 simultaneously.

il_trafficgen stops automatically, after test-duration. If test-duration is set to 0, packet transmission happens indefinitely. So, use 'stp' command to stop packet tranmission Logs for the current run will be stored in /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen/autotest/log/il_trafficgen-data-plane_debug_<DD_MM_YYYY_HH_MM_S>.log

CLI MODE Run 'il_nperf_cli.sh' located in /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen

1. Start il_trafficgen (as generator)in one terminal
cd /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen
./il_nperf_cli.sh –g

wait for the il_trafficgen command prompt to appear on screen.

2. Start il_trafficgen (as responder)in another terminal
cd /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen
./il_nperf_cli.sh –r

Wait for the il_trafficgen command prompt to appear on screen.

3. To send uplink traffic
Send the following command to generate Uplink traffic(i.e., P0-Tx --> P1-Rx) on GENERATOR.
$ socat - TCP4:localhost:2222 < start_il_trafficgen.lua
One can also start packet generation by sending SIGUSR1 signal to the process.

4. To send downlink traffic
Send the following command to generate Downlink traffic(i.e., P0-Rx <-- P1-Tx) on RESPONDER.
$ socat - TCP4:localhost:3333 < start_il_trafficgen.lua
One can also start packet generation by sending SIGUSR1 signal to the process.

5. To send traffic uplink and downlink run step 3 and 4 simultaneously.

6. Send the following command to quit both GENERATOR and RESPONDER.
$ socat - TCP4:localhost:2222 < quit_il_trafficgen.lua ; socat - TCP4:localhost:3333 < quit_il_trafficgen.lua
One can also quit the process(es) by sending SIGUSR2 signal(s).

Uninstall il_trafficgen

  1. cd /opt/il_trafficgen/pktgen
  2. Execute command: "make clean"

Known Issues and Limitations

  1. while switching from ng4t to il_trafficgen using switch_ng4t_ilnperf.sh script, traffic will not flow out of il_trafficgen's generator/responder. We need to restart both generator and responder to be able to send traffic successfully.