gitbucket is an API wrapper for Bitbucket written in Python with added features like Bitbucket pipelines while maintaining the simplicity of the source-repo. It was forked from GearPlug/bitbucket-python
pip install pygitbucket
- Added Bitbucket Pipelines support
from pygitbucket.client import Client
client = Client('EMAIL', 'PASSWORD')
# Or to specify owner URL to find repo own by other user
client = Client('EMAIL', 'PASSWORD', 'Owner')
Get user information
response = client.get_user()
Get account privileges for repositories
response = client.get_privileges()
Get repositories
response = client.get_repositories()
Get repository
response = client.get_repository('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get branches for repository
response = client.get_repository_branches('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get tags for repository
response = client.get_repository_tags('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get pipelines for repository
response = client.get_repository_pipelines('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get last 10 pipelines for repository
response = client.get_latest_pipelines('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get components for repository
response = client.get_repository_components('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get milestones for repository
response = client.get_repository_milestones('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get versions for repository
response = client.get_repository_versions('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Create issue
response = client.create_issue(repository_slug, title, description)
trigger pipeline deployment for branch
response = client.trigger_pipeline(repository_slug, branch_name)
Get all issues
response = client.get_issues('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get issue
response = client.get_issue('REPOSITORY_SLUG', 'ISSUE_ID')
Delete issue
response = client.delete_issue('REPOSITORY_SLUG', 'ISSUE_ID')
Create webhook
data = {
"description": "Webhook",
"url": "",
"active": True,
"events": [
response = client.create_webhook('REPOSITORY_SLUG', data)
Get all webhooks
response = client.get_webhooks('REPOSITORY_SLUG')
Get webhook
response = client.get_webhook('REPOSITORY_SLUG', 'WEBHOOK_ID')
Delete webhook
response = client.delete_webhook('REPOSITORY_SLUG', 'WEBHOOK_ID')
- requests