
Custom Drag and Drop component for Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

drag-me module provides you with a way to easily create drag-and-drop interfaces, with support for free dragging, sorting within a list, transferring items between lists, animations.

Start by importing DragMeModule into the NgModule where you want to use drag-and-drop features. You can now add the dragMe directive to elements to make them draggable.draggable elements can be freely moved around the page. You can add dropHere directive to elements constrain where it may be dropped.


  • darg and drop any where in the DOM Tree
  • support callback for drag-start, drag-end, drop events
  • Pass data in while draging element
  • support for custom styling


Angular compatibility

Angular Version package version
angular 8 and below 1.1.5 and below
angular 10 and below 1.1.6 and above
angular 10+ 1.1.7 and above

Usage steps

  • Run npm i drag-me --save from root of your project folder
  • import DragMeModule to App Module
import { DragMeModule } from "drag-me";
  • Add to imports array in app module

    imports: [
  • Add dragMe Directive to the element to drag

    <div dragMe [dragdata]="item" (ondrop)="onDrop($event)"></div>

    NB:[dragdata] is the data to carry,(ondrop) is callback on drop

  • Add dropHere Directive to the Container to Drop

    <div dropHere (dropped)="onDrop($event)"></div>

    NB:(dropped) is callback on drop

Adding style

  1. On Dragging drag-src class is added to the dragging element and we can customize our own style
  2. over class is added to the target element when drag over the item

All Available methods

  • dragStart()
  • dropped()
  • ondrop()

Built with 🔧

  • Angular

Developing 👷

  1. Clone this repo with git.
  2. Install dependencies by running npm install within the directory that you cloned (probably ng-ng7-DragAndDrop).
  3. Start the development server with ng serve --o.
  4. Open development site by going to http://localhost:4200 in your browser.

Author 🔮

Edison Augusthy
