
Deal with inbound email webhooks

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Hex pm Hex Docs License

Package to deal with inbound email webhooks for several providers. Right now Mailgun and Mandrill are supported.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding receivex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:receivex, "~> 0.8.2"}

Example configuration for Mandrill with the Plug router

forward("_incoming", to: Receivex, init_opts: [
  adapter: Receivex.Adapter.Mandrill,
  adapter_opts: [
    secret: "i8PTcm8glMgsfaWf75bS1FQ",
    url: "http://example.com"
  handler: Example.Processor]

Example configuration for Mandrill with the Phoenix router

forward("_incoming", Receivex, [
  adapter: Receivex.Adapter.Mandrill,
  adapter_opts: [
    secret: "i8PTcm8glMgsfaWf75bS1FQ",
    url: "http://example.com"
  handler: Example.Processor]

Example configuration for Mailgun with the Plug router

forward("_incoming", to: Receivex, init_opts: [
  adapter: Receivex.Adapter.Mailgun,
  adapter_opts: [
    api_key: "some-key"
  handler: Example.Processor]

Example configuration for Sendgrid with the Phoenix router

forward("_incoming", Receivex, [
  adapter: Receivex.Adapter.Sendgrid,
  handler: Example.Processor]


Sendgrid does not always send the email in UTF-8, but Plug.Parser's default behaviour is to validate everything is in UTF-8. This means that out of the box, some of your emails that are not UTF-8 encoded will fail to reach your app.

The workaround is to tweak the validate_utf8 option of Plug.Parsers. Here's an example how you can do it:

# endpoint.ex

@normal_opts Plug.Parsers.init(
                 parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json],
                 pass: ["*/*"],
                 json_decoder: Phoenix.json_library()

@webhook_opts Plug.Parsers.init(
                parsers: [:urlencoded, {:multipart, length: 20_000_000}, :json],
                pass: ["*/*"],
                json_decoder: Phoenix.json_library(),
                validate_utf8: false # this is the line you need

defp parse_body(%{path_info: ["_incoming" | _]} = conn, _) do
  Plug.Parsers.call(conn, @webhook_opts)

defp parse_body(conn, _) do
  Plug.Parsers.call(conn, @normal_opts)

With this set-up, we keep the default Plug.Parsers behaviour unless the path is _incoming, in which case we don't validate UTF-8.


Example processor

  defmodule Example.Processor do
    @behaviour Receivex.Handler

    def process(%Receivex.Email{} = mail) do

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