
OSINT tool to find informations about a github user (email2username, username2email, creation date ...)

Primary LanguagePython


Retrieve informations about a github username/email
img last release


  • Find github username from an email
  • Find email from github username (not working all the time)
  • Find informations about a profile (account creation date, public gists, id, public pgp, public ssh ...)


pip3 install -r requirements.txt


$ python3 osgint.py -h                                  

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By Hippie | https://twitter.com/hiippiiie

usage: osgint.py [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-e EMAIL] [--json]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Github username of the account to search for (default: None)
  -e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
                        Email of the account to search for github username (default: None)
  --json                Return a json output (default: False)

Example output


$ ./osgint.py -u hippiiee
[+] login : hippiiee
[+] id : 41185722
[+] avatar_url : https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/41185722?v=4
[+] name : Hippie
[+] blog : https://hippie.cat
[+] bio : Hi !
[+] public_repos : 10
[+] public_gists : 0
[+] followers : 8
[+] following : 9
[+] created_at : 2018-07-13T08:28:00Z
[+] updated_at : 2022-08-21T13:11:36Z
[+] public_gists : https://gist.github.com/hippiiee
[+] GPG_keys : https://github.com/hippiiee.gpg
[+] GPG_key_id : 27cbb171ff857c58
[+] email : hquere@e3r4p3.42.fr hippolyte.q@gmail.com
$ ./osgint.py -u hippiiee --json
    "GPG_key_id": "27cbb171ff857c58",
    "GPG_keys": "https://github.com/hippiiee.gpg",
    "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/41185722?v=4",
    "bio": "Hi !",
    "blog": "https://hippie.cat",
    "created_at": "2018-07-13T08:28:00Z",
    "email": [
    "followers": 8,
    "following": 9,
    "id": 41185722,
    "login": "hippiiee",
    "name": "Hippie",
    "public_gists": "https://gist.github.com/hippiiee",
    "public_repos": 10,
    "updated_at": "2022-08-21T13:11:36Z"


$ ./osgint.py -e chrisadr@gentoo.org
[+] username : ChrisADR
$ ./osgint.py -e chrisadr@gentoo.org --json
    "username": "ChrisADR"

How does it works ?

To get a user email, osingt is checking :

  • all the public commits of the user, if the email is not hidden in one of the commit it will be added to the list
  • if the user have a GPG key, if he has one, it's getting the email from the content of the GPG after a base64 decode
  • github user API

To get a user email, osgint is checking :

  • github user API
  • 🚧 spoofing a commit with the email, then checking the name in the commit history (working every time) 🚧 (Work In Progress)

Project inspired from Zen