List of possible ExtendedInfo script calls. All calls can also be done by using a plugin path.
- keep Attention to the parameter separators ("&&")
Available Properties:
- 'Title': Movie Title
- 'imdb_id': IMDB ID
- 'duration': Movie duration
- 'Year': Release Year
- 'Premiered': Release Date
- 'mpaa': MPAA Rating
- 'Rating': Audience Rating (0-10)
- 'Plot': Movie Plot
Available Art:
- 'Poster': Movie Poster
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=incinemamovies) --> InCinemasMovies.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=upcomingmovies) --> UpcomingMovies.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=popularmovies) --> PopularMovies.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=topratedmovies) --> TopRatedMovies.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=similarmovies) --> SimilarMovies.%d
- required additional parameters: dbid=
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=set) --> MovieSetItems.%d
- fetches a list of movies from the same Set
- required additional parameters: dbid=
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=personmovies) --> PersonMovies.%d
- required additional parameters: person=
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=studio) --> StudioInfo.%d
- fetches a list of movies from the same studio
- required additional parameters: studio=
Available Properties:
- 'Title': Movie Title
- 'OriginalTitle': Movie OriginalTitle
- 'ID': TheMovieDB ID
- 'Rating': Movie Rating (0-10)
- 'Votes': Vote Count for Rating
- 'Year': Release Year
- 'Premiered': Release Date
Available Art:
- 'Fanart': Movie Fanart
- 'Poster': Movie Poster
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=populartvshows) --> PopularTVShows.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=topratedtvshows) --> TopRatedTVShows.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=onairtvshows) --> OnAirTVShows.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=airingtodaytvshows) --> AiringTodayTVShows.%d
Available Properties:
- 'Title': TVShow Title
- 'ID': TVShow MovieDB ID
- 'OriginalTitle': TVShow OriginalTitle
- 'Rating': TVShow Rating
- 'Votes': Number of Votes for Rating
- 'Premiered': TV Show First Air Date
Available Art:
- 'Poster': TVShow Poster
- 'Fanart': TVShow Fanart
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=trendingmovies) --> TrendingMovies.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=traktsimilarmovies) --> SimilarMovies.%d
- required additional parameters: dbid= (database id) or id= (imdb id)
Available Properties:
- 'Title'
- 'Plot'
- 'Tagline'
- 'Genre'
- 'Rating'
- 'mpaa'
- 'Year'
- 'Premiered'
- 'Runtime'
- 'Trailer'
Available Art:
- 'Poster'
- 'Fanart'
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=trendingshows) --> TrendingShows.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=traktsimilartvshows) --> SimilarTVShows.%d
- required additional parameters: dbid= (database id) or id= (tvdb id)
Available Properties:
- 'TVShowTitle': TVShow Title
- 'duration': Duration (?)
- 'Plot': Plot
- 'ID': ID
- 'Genre': Genre
- 'Rating': Rating
- 'mpaa': mpaa
- 'Year': Release Year
- 'Premiered': First Air Date
- 'Status': TVShow Status
- 'Studio': TVShow Studio
- 'Country': Production Country
- 'Votes': Amount of Votes
- 'Watchers': Amount of Watchers
- 'AirDay': Day episode is aired
- 'AirShortTime': Time episode is aired
Available Art:
- 'Poster': TVShow Poster
- 'Banner': TVShow Banner
- 'Fanart': TVShow Fanart
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=airingshows) --> AiringShows.%d
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=premiereshows) --> PremiereShows.%d
Available Properties:
- 'Title': Episode Title
- 'TVShowTitle': TVShow Title
- 'Plot': Episode Plot
- 'Genre': TVShow Genre
- 'Duration': Episode Duration
- 'Year': Episode Release Year
- 'mpaa': TVShow Mpaa Rating
- 'Studio': TVShow Studio
- 'Thumb': Episode Thumb
Available Art:
- 'Poster': TVShow Poster
- 'Banner': TVShow Banner
- 'Fanart': TVShow Fanart
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=discography) --> Discography.%d
- fetches the artist discography (Last.FM)
- required additional parameters: artistname=
Available Properties:
- 'label': Album Title
- 'artist': Album Artist
- 'mbid': Album MBID
- 'id': Album AudioDB ID
- 'Description': Album Description
- 'Genre': Album Genre
- 'Mood': Album Mood
- 'Speed': Album Speed
- 'Theme': Album Theme
- 'Type': Album Type
- 'thumb': Album Thumb
- 'year': Album Release Year
- 'Sales': Album Sales
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=mostlovedtracks) --> MostLovedTracks.%d
- fetches most loved tracks for the given artist (TheAudioDB)
- required additional parameters: artistname=
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=albuminfo) --> TrackInfo.%d
- required additional parameters: id= ???
Available Properties:
- 'label': Track Name
- 'Artist': Artist Name
- 'mbid': Track MBID
- 'Album': Album Title
- 'Thumb': Album Thumb
- 'Path': Link to Youtube Video
RunScript(script.extendedinfo,info=artistdetails) ???
- fetches a lists of the most popular artists
Available Properties:
- 'Title': Artist Name
- 'mbid': Artist MBID
- 'Thumb': Artist Thumb
- 'Listeners': actual Listeners
- required additional parameters: id=
- required additional parameters: id=
- required additional parameters: id=
Available Properties:
- 'Thumb': Video Thumbnail
- 'Description': Video Description
- 'Title': Video Title
- 'Date': Video Upload Date
info=similarlocalmovies needed parameters: -dbid: DBID of any movie in your library
fetches similar movies from local database
info=artistdetails needed parameters: artistname: Artist to search for
- also fetches Discography and MusicVideos ATM
info=albuminfo ## todo needed parameters: artistname: Artist to search for
- also fetches Discography and MusicVideos ATM
possible script call for Actor Info Dialog:
possible script calls for Movie Info Dialog:
Please have a look at reference implementation, too much to cover. Consider the following docs as outdated, needs some updating.
- MOVIES, TVSHOWS, SEASONS, EPISODES: script-script.extendedinfo-DialogVideoInfo.xml
- ACTORS: script-script.extendedinfo-DialogInfo.xml
150 | Similar | Similar | --- | --- | Movie Roles |
250 | Sets | Seasons | --- | --- | TV Roles |
350 | Youtube | Youtube | Youtube | Youtube | Youtube |
450 | Lists | --- | --- | --- | Images |
550 | Studios | Studios | --- | --- | Movie Crew |
650 | Releases | Certific | --- | --- | TV Crew |
750 | Crew | Crew | Crew | Crew | Tagged Img |
850 | Genres | Genres | --- | --- | --- |
950 | Keywords | Keywords | --- | --- | --- |
1000 | Actors | Actors | Actors | Actors | --- |
1050 | Reviews | --- | --- | --- | --- |
1150 | Videos | Videos | Videos | Videos | --- |
1250 | Images | Images | Images | --- | --- |
1350 | Backdrops | Backdrops | Backdrops | Images | --- |
1450 | --- | Networks | --- | --- | --- |
2000 | --- | --- | Episodes | --- | --- |
Labels of the currently selected actor / director / writer / artist.
- Window(home).Property(Title) ----------> Name
- Window(home).Property(Label) ----------> Same as Title
- Window(home).Property(Poster)----------> Poster
- Window(home).Property(Plot)------------> Biography
- Window(home).Property(Biography) ------> Same as Plot
- Window(home).Property(TotalMovies) ----> Total of Known Movies (acting / directing / writing)
- Window(home).Property(Birthday) -------> Date of Birthday
- Window(home).Property(HappyBirthday) --> return true or empty
- Window(home).Property(Age) ------------> Age (30)
- Window(home).Property(AgeLong) --------> Age long format (age 30)
- Window(home).Property(Deathday) -------> Date of Deathday
- Window(home).Property(PlaceOfBirth) ---> Place of birth
- Window(home).Property(AlsoKnownAs) ----> Also Known Name
- Window(home).Property(Homepage) -------> Link of homepage
- Window(home).Property(Adult) ----------> Is Adult Actor (no / yes)
- Window(home).Property(fanart) ---------> Fanart
Labels of Known Movies list
- Container(150).ListItem.Label ---------------------> Title of movie
- Container(150).ListItem.Title ---------------------> same as label
- Container(150).ListItem.originaltitle -------------> originaltitle
- Container(150).ListItem.Year ----------------------> year
- Container(150).Listitem.Icon ----------------------> icon of movie
- Container(150).ListItem.Property(role) ------------> role in currently slected movie
- Container(150).ListItem.Property(job) -------------> job in currently slected movie (director / writer / etc)
- Container(150).ListItem.Premiered -----------------> release date of movie
- Container(150).ListItem.Year ----------------------> production year
- Container(150).ListItem.DBID ----------------------> returns the dbid, or empty if not available.
- Container(150).ListItem.PlayCount -----------------> Playcount of movie (default is 0)
- Container(150).ListItem.File ----------------------> media to play
Labels of thumbs list
- Container(250).ListItem.Label --------------------> Image résolution (512x720)
- Container(250).Listitem.Icon ---------------------> Image
- Container(250).ListItem.Property(aspect_ratio) ---> Aspect Ratio (0.66)