
Terraform modules to deploy Percona Server and Percona XtraDB Cluster

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Percona Terraform Provider


This is an experimental project, use on your own risk. This project is not covered by Percona Support


  • Terraform 1.1.2
  • Go 1.18.x (to build the provider plugin)
  • AWS 1 or 2 version

How to run on AWS

  1. Clone repo
  2. Configure AWS CLI - tutorial
  3. Switch to project directory
  4. Execute in console make all or go through Makefile(in the root of project) manually
  5. When cluster is set up, connect to one of the PXC instances
  6. Login to mysql with command sudo mysql -uroot -p and enter password password
  7. Check cluster status show status like 'wsrep%';
  8. Connect to one of the Percona Server replica
  9. Check replication status using SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G on replica

How to run on Google Cloud Platform

  1. Create service account in Google Cloud Console and create key for it (for more info, visit https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started)
  2. Export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point to the file with credentials (e.g. export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/credentials.json)
  3. Execute make all


File main.tf

# AWS provider configuration
provider "percona" {
  region                   = "eu-north-1"               # required
  profile                  = "default"                  # optional
  cloud                    = "aws"                      # required, supported values: "aws", "gcp"
  ignore_errors_on_destroy = true                       # optional, default: false
  disable_telemetry        = true                       # optional, default: false

# GCP provider configuration
#provider "percona" {
#  region                   = "europe-west1"
#  zone                     = "europe-west1-c"
#  project                  = "project-name"
#  cloud                    = "gcp"
#  ignore_errors_on_destroy = false

resource "percona_ps" "ps" {
  instance_type            = "t3.micro"                          # required
  key_pair_name            = "sshKey1"                           # required
  password                 = "password"                          # optional, default: "password"
  replication_type         = "async"                             # optional, default: "async", supported values: "async", "group-replication"
  replication_password     = "replicaPassword"                   # optional, default: "replicaPassword"
  cluster_size             = 2                                   # optional, default: 3
  path_to_key_pair_storage = "/tmp/"                             # optional, default: "."
  volume_type              = "gp2"                               # optional, default: "gp2" for AWS, "pd-balanced" for GCP
  volume_size              = 20                                  # optional, default: 20
  volume_iops              = 4000                                # optional
  volume_throughput        = 4000                                # optional, AWS only
  config_file_path         = "./config.cnf"                      # optional, saves config file to /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/custom.cnf
  version                  = "8.0.28"                            # optional, installs last version if not specified
  myrocks_install          = true                                # optional, default: false
  vpc_name                 = "percona_vpc_1"                     # optional
  vpc_id                   = "cGVyY29uYV92cGNfMQ=="              # optional, AWS only
  port                     = 3306                                # optional, default: 3306
  pmm_address              = "http://admin:admin@"      # optional
  pmm_password             = "password"                          # optional, password for internal `pmm` user in db
  orchestrator_size        = 3                                   # optional, default: 0
  orchestrator_password    = "password"                          # optional, default: "password"

resource "percona_pxc" "pxc" {
  instance_type            = "t3.micro"                          # required
  key_pair_name            = "sshKey2"                           # required
  password                 = "password"	                         # optional, default: "password"
  cluster_size             = 2                                   # optional, default: 3
  path_to_key_pair_storage = "/tmp/"                             # optional, default: "."
  volume_type              = "gp2"                               # optional, default: "gp2" for AWS, "pd-balanced" for GCP
  volume_size              = 20                                  # optional, default: 20
  volume_iops              = 4000                                # optional
  volume_throughput        = 4000                                # optional, AWS only
  config_file_path         = "./config.cnf"                      # optional, saves config file to /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/custom.cnf
  version                  = "8.0.28"                            # optional, installs last version if not specified
  vpc_name                 = "percona_vpc_1"                     # optional
  vpc_id                   = "cGVyY29uYV92cGNfMQ=="              # optional, AWS only
  port                     = 3306                                # optional, default: 3306
  galera_port              = 4567                                # optional, default: 4567
  pmm_address              = "http://admin:admin@"      # optional
  pmm_password             = "password"                          # optional, password for internal `pmm` user in db

resource "percona_pmm" "pmm" {
  instance_type            = "t3.micro"                          # required
  key_pair_name            = "sshKey2"                           # required
  path_to_key_pair_storage = "/tmp/"                             # optional, default: "."
  volume_type              = "gp2"                               # optional, default: "gp2" for AWS, "pd-balanced" for GCP
  volume_size              = 20                                  # optional, default: 20
  volume_iops              = 4000                                # optional
  volume_throughput        = 4000                                # optional, AWS only
  vpc_name                 = "percona_vpc_1"                     # optional
  vpc_id                   = "cGVyY29uYV92cGNfMQ=="              # optional, AWS only

  rds_username             = "postgres"                          # optional, default: ""
  rds_password             = "password"                          # optional, default: ""

resource "percona_pmm_rds" "pmm_rds" {
  pmm_address              = "http://admin:admin@localhost"      # required
  rds_id                   = "database-1"                        # required
  rds_username             = "postgres"                          # required
  rds_password             = "password"                          # required
  rds_pmm_user_password    = "password"                          # optional, default: "password"

File version.tf

terraform {
  required_providers {
    percona = {
      version = "~> 0.9.10"
      source  = "terraform-percona.com/terraform-percona/percona"

Required permissions

//Custom policies set
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [


Instance types, in some regions some may be available and in others they may not.