
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is an example project from an online class https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-react-native-and-redux-course/learn/lecture/15708324#overview

This project is a simple React Native app that has authentication (signin, signup) and manage tracks of geo coordinates.

'react-native-element' for styling

KeyboardAvoidingView, ScrollView to avoid keyboard pushing up screen (keep screen as before)

ngrok - used to make sure phone is communciateing with localserver - need to restart ngrok and put new URL into axios baseURL - execute 'ngrok http 3000' and get URL from 'FORWARDING'

Use react-native-async-storage to save token

  • import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage';

NavigationRef - used to get access to navigator (only screen files has prop.navigation. Context doesn't have that. so use this)

NavigationEvents - listen for navigation and then clear errorMessage

to install dependecy use - npx expo-cli install "dependecy name" login/pass : t@t.t, t