
Wrong message-fg value for solarized_dark (lightline.vim theme)

Opened this issue · 1 comments


The current default output value for message-fg for "solarized dark" tmuxline with lightline.vim theme is wrong:

set -g message-bg "colour11"
set -g message-fg "colour8"

"colour8" is the same color value for the background of solarized_dark on xterm. This means that the command-prompt message of tmux will be "invisible". I had to adjust these values to:

set -g message-bg "colour11"
set -g message-fg "yellow"

for it to work. This would make the message prompt in solarized dark become yellow.

Here is a screen shot of the command prompt after I adjusted the message-fg value. Of course, before adding the above adjustment, this "Kill session number : " prompt would not appear:

Screenshot at May 01 00-58-53

Hope you would roll out a fix for this soon.

Thank you,


This seams to be a duplicate of #100 and #102.

@phongvcao You can fix your file manually like I indicated in the discussion in #102. Or use the provided fix by @He-Ro for tmux versions >= 1.9