Simple tmux statusline generator with support for powerline symbols and statusline / airline / lightline integration
Vim ScriptMIT
- 48ny2kArlington, TX
- ahcan
- andrewhlin
- ariel17Buenos Aires, Argentina
- bearcatsandorFeline Soul Studio LLC
- C0nstantinMoscow
- cj
- damnskippy
- derjungekarl
- djwmarksDyn
- edkolev
- eemailme
- eerie
- gasbakid
- infobull
- jhacksworth
- jhcloos
- joshualim92
- Kyron33
- Lordshell
- LycorisTokyo, Japan
- morinatsuTokyo, Japan
- philthomsonVancouver
- rickdeez81
- shir-hashirimEPi Dev
- Shiri-NaimUrmia_Iran