
Set the opacity and background of your terminal!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Set the opacity and background of your terminal!


This plugin is inspired by:


  • Works with Windows, maybe macOS, by chance on Linux?
  • Should be compatible with different themes.


  • Hyper 2.x



hyper i hyper-blend

Or edit config

Preferably add it to the end of the list, to try avoid conflicts from themes.

plugins: [


None of the options are required and have defaults.

If there's no folder set though, you won't get any background images showing up.

The classes in use for the css adjustments are .hyper_main and .terms_terms, you should be able to add custom css in your config and have it reflect over the plugin css.

Any file type supported in a background-image property will work (like gifs), support for urls is planned.

Add any of the following properties under hyperBlend to customize the plugin!

module.exports = {
  config: {
    hyperBlend: {
      terminal: {
        opacity: 0.8,
        color: "#000000",
        colorOpacity: 0.8
      background: {
        folder: "full/path/to/images",
        position: "center",
        size: "cover",
        repeat: "no-repeat"


ISC © Eduard Kotkas