
An extension to redis-py for using Redis' ReJSON module

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

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RedisJSON Python Client

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rejson-py is a package that allows storing, updating and querying objects as JSON documents in a Redis database that is extended with the ReJSON module. The package extends redis-py's interface with ReJSON's API, and performs on-the-fly serialization/deserialization of objects to/from JSON.


$ pip install rejson

Usage example

   from rejson import Client, Path

   rj = Client(host='localhost', port=6379, decode_responses=True)

   # Set the key `obj` to some object
   obj = {
       'answer': 42,
       'arr': [None, True, 3.14],
       'truth': {
           'coord': 'out there'
   rj.jsonset('obj', Path.rootPath(), obj)

   # Get something
   print 'Is there anybody... {}?'.format(
       rj.jsonget('obj', Path('.truth.coord'))

   # Delete something (or perhaps nothing), append something and pop it
   rj.jsondel('obj', Path('.arr[0]'))
   rj.jsonarrappend('obj', Path('.arr'), 'something')
   print '{} popped!'.format(rj.jsonarrpop('obj', Path('.arr')))

   # Update something else
   rj.jsonset('obj', Path('.answer'), 2.17)

   # And use just like the regular redis-py client
   jp = rj.pipeline()
   jp.set('foo', 'bar')
   jp.jsonset('baz', Path.rootPath(), 'qaz')

   # If you use non-ascii character in your JSON data, you can add the no_escape flag to JSON.GET command
   obj_non_ascii = {
     'non_ascii_string': 'hyvää'
   rj.jsonset('non-ascii', Path.rootPath(), obj_non_ascii)
   print '{} is a non-ascii string'.format(rj.jsonget('non-ascii', Path('.non_ascii_string'), no_escape=True))


rejson-py uses Python's json. The client can be set to use custom encoders/decoders at creation, or by calling explicitly the setEncoder() and setDecoder() methods, respectively.

The following shows how to use this for a custom class that's stored as a JSON string for example:

   from json import JSONEncoder, JSONDecoder
   from rejson import Client

   class CustomClass(object):
       "Some non-JSON-serializable"
       def __init__(self, s=None):
           if s is not None:
               # deserialize the instance from the serialization
               if s.startswith('CustomClass:'):
                   raise Exception('unknown format')
               # initialize the instance

       def __str__(self):
           _str = 'CustomClass:'
           # append the instance's state to the serialization
           return _str


   class CustomEncoder(JSONEncoder):
       "A custom encoder for the custom class"
       def default(self, obj):
           if isinstance(obj, CustomClass):
               return str(obj)
           return json.JSONEncoder.encode(self, obj)

   class TestDecoder(JSONDecoder):
       "A custom decoder for the custom class"
       def decode(self, obj):
           d = json.JSONDecoder.decode(self, obj)
           if isinstance(d, basestring) and d.startswith('CustomClass:'):
               return CustomClass(d)
           return d

   # Create a new instance of CustomClass
   obj = CustomClass()

   # Create a new client with the custom encoder and decoder
   rj = Client(encoder=CustomEncoder(), decoder=CustomDecoder())

   # Store the object
   rj.jsonset('custom', Path.rootPath(), obj))

   # Retrieve it
   obj = rj.jsonget('custom', Path.rootPath())


As rejson-py exposes the same methods as redis-py, it can be used as a drop-in replacement. On top of Redis' core commands, the client also adds ReJSON's vocabulary and a couple of helper methods. These are documented in the API.md file, which can be generated by running:

$ python gendoc rejson > API.md

For complete documentation about ReJSON's commands, refer to ReJSON's website.


BSD 2-Clause