Tic Tac Toe tech test

An implementation of the popular game Tic Tac Toe

User stories

As a player
So that I can pass the time enjoyably
I want to be able to start a game of Tic Tac Toe
As a player
To avoid confusion
I need to be able to find out easily whether I am playing as noughts or crosses
As a player
To keep abreast of the current state of play
I need to see an up-to-date grid after every move
As a player
So that I can take a turn
I need to be able to select a blank square on the grid
As a player
To avoid confusion
I need not to be able to select a square that has already been selected
As a player
To enjoy the sweet taste of victory
I need to be able to find out when I have won a game
As a player
To make the deadlock crushingly obvious
I need to be told that the game has ended in a draw