
a demo of the Promise + fetch requirements of Parcel, for issue repro

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an ongoing issue with the core of parcel, however it can be worked around. You can manually plug in polyfills (examples in the link use unpkg), but as some apps won't or can't make use of CDNs, this can be done through post-processing the production build output of parcel, or by making use of parcel-plugin-goodie-bag which I wrote for just this use case. The implementation is simple, as parcel plugins are quite powerful and low/no config, as parcel is. Simply install it as a dev dependency npm install --save-dev parcel-lugin-goodie-bag and it will take care of the rest, hooking into your index.html on bundle and ensuring a script with said polyfills is included.

Parcel IE 11 Issue Demo

A quick and dirty demo of behavior of basic app configuration with babel for parcel bundling, and its current issue with IE(11).

Ref: parcel-bundler/parcel#2364.

TL;DR: The multi-bundler loading done by parcel, before the app code even loads, blocks support in IE, as Promise and fetch are un-polyfilled. Definining a polyfill for my app code doesn't even get loaded yet, since it's done by the bundle-loader.js.


npm install


  • npm run dev for development + local server
  • npm run build for production build to ./dist


Parcel is an amazing bundler with superpowers. It's focus on low-to-no configuration makes for a great out of the box experience. This is just one hiccup on the way to proper, blissful web development.


Thank you Parcel! ❤
