pip install fabric
pip install pystache
- Just pull this repository
source bin/flow.sh
- Write your configuration file
// Project
"project": {
"name": "cake-blog",
"repository": "git@github.com:nicolasramy/cakephp-blog.git"
// Roles
"roles": {
"local": "localhost",
"test": "localhost",
"stage": "www-data@domain.dev",
"master": "www-data@domain.prod"
// Environments
// Local
"local": {},
// Stage
"stage": {
"env": "stage",
"host": "www-data@domain.dev",
"workspace": "/var/www",
"app": {
"type": "cakephp",
"web": "nginx_phpfpm",
"databases": {
"default": {
"hostname": "localhost",
"username": "root",
"password": "",
"port": 3306
// Test
"test": {},
// Deploy
"deploy": {}
- You have to push your ssh public key on your server for the correct user.
- Create a virtual host configuration for your stage domain. (i.e. ASAP)
- Add your public key on your git hosting provider
flow command branch
The most commonly command used flow commands are:
build Build package based on branch
deploy Deploy master branch to production
test Test a branch
stage Create or synchronise stage environment for branch
unstage Remove stage environment for branch
Only stage and unstage work.
It's based on workspace and repository. This 2 sub modules do some stuffs with fabric. I'm really happy of this simplification of automation. System operations had never been so simple.
I have to finish the stage part. I want to add a configuration loader for specific application as:
- CakePHP 2
- Symfony 2
- WordPress
- AngularJS
- Flask
Prepare build command. What kind of test ? How to prepare a build and how to deploy it on master ...