
Draw tube maps in the style of the London Underground using d3

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Build Status

Draw tube maps in the style of the London Underground using d3.

See a demo here.



If you use NPM, npm install d3-tube-map. Otherwise, download the latest release. AMD, CommonJS, and vanilla environments are supported. In vanilla, a d3 global is exported:

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/d3-tube-map.js"></script>

  var container = d3.select('#tube-map');

  var width = 1600;
  var height = 1024;

  var map = d3.tubeMap()
      top: height / 50,
      right: width / 7,
      bottom: height / 10,
      left: width / 7,

  d3.json("./pubs.json").then(function(data)  {

API Reference

# d3.tubeMap() <>

Constructs a new tube map generator with the default settings.

# tubeMap(selection) <>

Render the tube map to the given selection, which is a selection.

# tubeMap.width(w) <>

Sets the width of the viewbox the map is rendered to.

# tubeMap.height(h) <>

Sets the height of the viewbox the map is rendered to.

# tubeMap.margin(m) <>

Sets the margin around the map. Takes an object of the following form:

{ top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 10, left: 20 }

Input Data Format

The data passed to the tube map should have the following properties: stations, lines and optionally river. A minimal example is shown below.

  "stations": {
    "StationA": {
      "label": "Station A"
    "StationB": {
      "label": "Station B"
  "lines": [
      "name": "LineA",
      "color": "#FF0000",
      "shiftCoords": [0, 0],
      "nodes": [
          "coords": [23, -4],
          "name": "StationA",
          "labelPos": "N"
          "coords": [30, -4]
          "coords": [31, -3],
          "dir": "E"
          "coords": [31, 2],
          "name": "StationB",
          "labelPos": "E"

stations is an object where each property is a a station with the key being a unique identifier and the value being an object with a label property. The label is the display friendly text that will be rendered to the screen.

lines is an array of line objects. Each line must have the following:

  • name will be used as the id of the svg path element
  • color is simply the color of the line
  • shiftCoords will translate the whole line
  • nodes is an array of nodes which define the layout of the line

Each node must have the following:

  • coords is the position of the node. Must be integer values
  • name should be present if the node represents a station. It should match a station defined in the top-level stations property
  • labelPos should be present if the node represents a station. It is a compass direction and determines where the label is positioned relative to the node, e.g. NE would place the label up and to the right of the node
  • dir is required when the node represents a 90 degree corner


Two types of corner are supported: a 90 degree turn and a 45 degree turn. The latter is recognised when the position of a node differs from the position of the previous node by either:

  • 1 in the x direction and 2 in the y direction
  • 2 in the x direction and 1 in the y direction

For example:

    "coords": [-27, -11]
    "coords": [-26, -9]

A 90 degree turn is recognised when the position of a node differs from the position of the previous node by:

  • 1 in the x direction and 1 in the y direction

For example:

    "coords": [0, 2]
    "coords": [1, 1],
    "dir": "E"

The value of dir represents the direction of the line before making the turn. It disambiguates between the two possible 90 degree turns which could link the two nodes.