
Running in to error trying to playback parsed logs

lkamenkovich opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello, I have followed the instructions to parse logs from the local file and it successfully parsed the logs to local-parsed-logs S3 bucket. Now when I want to send the traffic from parsed logs I run in to this error: An error occurred: SrDataBucketS3Bucket - local-parsed-logs already exists. How I can run Shadowrunner so it does not do the parse, since it was already done from the local file and just do the playback part? Thank you very much.

Hi @lkamenkovich, thanks for reporting this.
Can you post here the contents of your shadowreader.yml and serverless.yml files? I suspect what is happening is that Serverless is trying (and failing) to create a local-parsed-logs bucket because that is what parsed_data_bucket is set to in serverless.yml.
Most likely if you set parsed_data_bucket to something else, it should deploy.

I don't think the files were attached successfully. Could you try it again?

Here are the yml files in text format, could not attach .yml files. So if I set parsed_data_bucket to the local-parsed-log (where the parsed local logs are stored from previous run of local parser.py) it gives me the error: SrDataBucketS3Bucket - local-parsed-logs already exists.
If I set it to something else, it creates an empty parsed folder and no traffic is played back. Thank you, Larissa

Thanks for posting the configs. Can you try this? Set parsed_data_bucket to local-parsed-log then comment out this whole section in serverless.yml:

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
      BucketName: ${self:custom.parsed_data_bucket}
          Key: "Name"
          Value: "shadowreader"

        - Id: ExpireDatain30Days
          Prefix: ''
          Status: Enabled
          ExpirationInDays: '30'

This will prevent Serverless from trying to deploy a bucket with the same name.