
Enable familiar `docker build` semantics using kaniko remotely on k8s

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Enable familiar docker build semantics using kaniko remotely on a preconfigured k8s cluster

Note This is a note

Quick Start

Download and unpack the latest binary for your system. Rename to docker if you would like to exactly match the docker cli (this is useful if existing scripts expect docker).

Run docker build commands as expected:

docker build -t registry.fish/my/cool-image:latest .
# Or if you haven't renamed to docker:
kaniko-remote build -t registry.fish/my/cool-image:latest .


NOTE: The note content.


ℹ️ It works with almost all markdown flavours (the below blank line matters).

WARNING: be careful to baz the quux before initializing the retro encabulator!

kaniko-remote will check for a configuration file in the following locations, using the first it finds. The configuration in use at run time is logged for easy confirmation.

  1. The path specified by the env var KANIKO_REMOTE_CONFIG if it is set.
  2. The .kaniko-remote.yaml file in the current working directory.
  3. The .kaniko-remote.yaml in the user's home directory.
  4. An empty configuration file.

The kaniko-remote configuration file supports the following options:

  # kubeconfig: 
  # context
  namespace: kaniko-remote # Defaults to "default", unless running incluster in which case defaults to the current namespace
  name: lucas # Default is to get the username from the environment
  cpu: 1 # Default is 1, accepts any value k8s accepts
  memory: 1G # Default is 1G, accepts any value k8s accepts
  kanikoImage: "" # Default is gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:latest
  setupImage: "" # Default is busybox:stable
    yes: hello
    why: not
  kanikoArgs: # Replaces default if provided, default is:
  - --use-new-run
  podStartTimeout: 300 # In seconds, default 5 mins
  podTransferPacketSize: 14e3 # In bytes, default 14kB
# Tags are optional. By default kaniko-remote will use the tag specified on the command line.
  # A tag to use to if no tags are specifed on the command line
  default: eliiza.azurecr.io/some-default-image
  # Always use the static tag if set (overwriting the tag specified on the command line).
  # If static is set, other options cannot be set
  static: eliiza.azurecr.io/specific-image:v1
  # A prefix to add to the tag specified on the command line
  prefix: eliiza.azurecr.io/dataiku
  # A mapping of regex patterns to match against and replace with
    pattern: template
  # List of auth configs to use.
  # By default there are none, which is unlikely to work in a production setting.
  # See below for available options

Note This is a note

Warning This is a warning An example config that I use:

  namespace: kaniko-remote
  name: lucas
  prefix: eliiza.azurecr.io/lucas-dev
  - type: acr
    registry: eliiza.azurecr.io
    mount: always
    - fromSecret: eliiza-azurecr-push-sp

Configure Auth

By default, no authentication is configured. This is unlikely to work in a production setting and a warning is logged if this is the case.

Each auth entry must have a 'type' and either a 'url' specified or 'mount' set to 'always'. If a url is specified kaniko-remote will only configure the builder to use that auth configuration if the url matches one of the destination tags for the image being built.

The type of the auth determines the other available/required configuration options, see below.

Pod Only

The simplest form of authentication is type: pod-only. This auth can setup volume mounts of env vars for the builder pod, but does not configure any additional kaniko authentication.

Environment variables may be specified as follows:

  # mounted from preconfigured kubernetes secrets:
  - fromSecret: my-k8s-secret-with-env-vars
  # mounted from preconfigured kubernetes config maps:
  - fromConfigMap: my-k8s-config-map-with-env-vars
  # a raw key/value pair in the config (not recommended):
  - key: SOME_KEY
    value: big-secret

Volumes may be specified as follows:

  # mounted from preconfigured kubernetes secrets:
  - fromSecret: my-k8s-secret-with-file
    mountPath: /etc/secret-file
  # mounted from preconfigured kubernetes config maps:
  - fromConfigMap: my-k8s-config-map-with-file
    mountPath: /etc/config-map-file

A single pod-only auth entry may have multiple of both env and volumes configured.


type: acr A 'registry' option is required to be set to the hostname of your Azure Container Registry instance (usually takes the form <name>.azurecr.io). Can additionally have all the options available to pod-only auth, and requires enough pod-auth to satisfy the ACR credential helper as specified here: https://github.com/chrismellard/docker-credential-acr-env

Docker Hub

type: docker-hub Your docker registry username and password must be configured with 'username' and 'password' respectively.


type: gcr Your gcr.io project name must be configured with 'project', or parsable from the url. The project is parseable from the url as follows: gcr.io/<PROJECT>/. Can additionally have all the options available to pod-only auth, and requires enough pod-auth to satisfy the GCR credential helper as specified here: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/docker-credential-gcr. Note that:

In particular, [the gcr credential helper] respects Application Default Credentials and is capable of generating credentials automatically (without an explicit login operation) when running in App Engine or Compute Engine.


kaniko-remote is licensed under the MIT license