
Payment Service Provider Simplified API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Payment Service Provider Simplified API

Configuration, Install dependencies and Database

  • Install Node.js v20.11.1;
  • Run the following commands:
  • cp .env.example .env
  • mkdir data
  • sudo chmod -R 777 data
  • yarn install
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
  • yarn dev

Postman Collections

You can import this file psp-simplified-api.postman_collection.json in your Postman or Insomnia to test all avaible endpoints.

Database migrations?

  • Create a new migration: npx typeorm migration:create -n AlterTableNameColumnDescription
  • Add the new migration created in this file src/core/db/migrations/index.ts.

Commit Guidelines

Before every commit you need to run the following command: yarn lint:fix. Just after fix the files with Lint, then commit and push.

Folders Structure

The folder structure must follow the pattern:

--- src
------ modules
--------- transation // DTOs, Use Cases and Controller from Transaction
--------- index.ts // The main controller. We need to import all controllers here

About the Challenge

A PSP basically consists of two essential functions:

  • Allow our customers to process transactions ("cash-in");
  • Transfer receivables to our customers ("cash-out");

The operations basically consist of: allowing our customers to receive payment for the products or services provided and allowing them to receive the amount after a certain time, which changes according to the payment method.

Considering the information above, we have two entities that represent them:

  • transactions: purchase information, buyer data, payment method, value, etc.
  • payables: receivables that will be paid to the customer.

For this challenge we will focus especially on the first specified function, "cash-in", at this time we will not consider the possibility of multiple clients, which would bring greater complexity to this challenge, which is not our objective.

Next features

  • Authentication and authorization, with JWT or Keycloak. The Keycloak options its better if you need to integrate SSO.
  • A new Entity call Clients, to manage clients and dont save this informations in Transaction.
  • Remove fees values from env variables, create a entity for this feature.
  • Unit tests.