
SWIFT tests for scaling hydrodynamics to ExaFLOP machines

Primary LanguagePython

Exascale hydrodynamics

This repository contains scripts for generating and analysing SWIFT hydrodynamic simulations. Focus is on code performance and benchmarks in running hydrodynamics problems on an increasingly large number of threads and nodes.

The tests mostly involve weak and strong-scaling. An example of scaling test is the one based on the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability. The following Twitter post includes the output image from a large KH simulation.

Some nice eddies out of a large Kelvin-Helmholtz instability problem running on the @DarkerMatters' @DiRAC_HPC cosma system. pic.twitter.com/peUBh8dEcq

— SWIFT Simulation - (@SwiftSimulation) June 27, 2020

The following are also on schedule:

  • MPI Kelvin-Helmholtz
  • Driven turbulence

This is part of the ExCALIBUR (Exascale Computing Algorithms and Infrastructures Benefitting UK Research) project. Visit the ExCALIBUR-UKRI page for more info.

Computing architecture

Hydro simulations are run with single-node (OpenMP) and multi-node (MPI) configurations, preferably on the cosma6 and cosma7 computer clusters. Cosma7 is equipped with 452 compute nodes, each with 512GB RAM and 28 cores (2x Intel Xeon Gold 5120 CPU @ 2.20GHz). Visit the COSMA-DiRAC pages for more info.