

name Description
carousel-dotted Show a dotter bar that make you jump directly to a specific image
carousel-preview Show a bar with all previews of the images


Using img-lazy, laziness is implemented into carousel. While using img, they are loaded on startup. Check important to understand previews behaviour.

        size= big|[medium]|small 
        width=[350] height=[350]

        title = "Title"
        subtitle = "Subtitle"
        header-position = [top]|bottom
        header-above = [true]|false
        drag = true|[false]]
        loop = true|[false]]
        progression = true|[false]
        fullscreen = true|[false]
        timer = seconds

            <img src='img/foo.jpg'>
            <img src='img/foo2.jpg'>
            <img src='img/foo3.jpg'>
            <img-lazy src='img/foo.jpg'></img-lazy> 
            <img-lazy src='img/foo2.jpg'></img-lazy>
            <img-lazy src='img/foo3.jpg'></img-lazy>
        <!-- Same attribute of carousel-default -->

        <!-- Same attribute of carousel-default -->

Title & Subtitle: string

Give a title and a subtitle to the carousel


header-position: ([top] | bottom)

Header can be positioned bottom or top (default)

header-above: ([true] | false)

Header can lay above the images (z-Index greater) or make its own space.

Size: (big | [medium] | small)

Value attribute size
big 500x500 px
medium 350x350 px
small 150x150 px

Width & Height

Custom size can be setted by width and height attributes

Drag: (true | [false])

Make the swipe available with mouse.

Loop: (true | [false])

Enable carousel to loop from first image to last one and viceversa.

Progression: (true | [false])

Show a counter of n-th img showed

Fullscreen: (true | [false])

Make the carousel big as its parent

Timer: seconds

Set a timer of how many seconds the carousel will go next img automatically

CSS Variables

Name Default value
carousel-btn-bg rgba(0,0,0,.75)
carousel-btn-color white
carousel-title-font-size 27px
carousel-subtitle-font-size 17px
carousel-size-big 500px
carousel-size-medium 350px
carousel-size-small 150px
carousel-size-big-preview 150px
carousel-size-medium-preview 70px
carousel-transition-slide-duration 300ms
carousel-navigation-preview-opacity 1
carousel-cubic-bezier-material cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1)
carousel-font-size-progression 12px
carousel-size-width-custom setted via width attribute
carousel-size-height-custom setted via height attribute


Reflect CSS property objectFit, to set size of images. See object-fit


Best way to get a responsive carousel

@media screen and (max-width:600px) {
    carousel-default, carousel-dotted, carousel-preview{
        --size-width-custom: 100% !important;
        --size-height-custom: 70vw !important;

⚠️ Important

  • When small size and title are setted the header-above behave as false and header-position is setted as top
  • When small size is setted the buttons are condensed at the bottom
  • When subtitle is not setted the header is less height
  • When display's width is less then 600px, previews are not shown in carousel-preview
  • When title is setted and placed to the bottom in carousel-preview/dotted, it's not showed
  • Previews of <carousel-preview> are not show if there a some HTMLImageElement that are not fully loaded. If <img-lazy> are used, preview are showed instead.