
An experiment about distributed consensus with Cloud Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Chatterbox is a simple Haskell demo program that runs in a cluster and broadcasts messages to its peers. Upon finishing all nodes agree on the received messages and output message count and a checksum.


Use stack to build

stack install

And then run multiple nodes, each with

chatterbox-exe -p <unique port>

providing a unique port to each. Interface to listen on can be specified with -h. All nodes need to be listed in a json file. peers.json is used by default (see contents for the format) but it can be explicitly specified with --peer-config-file.

Duration of the run can be configured with --send-for (active phase) and --wait-for (sync phase, to overcome imperfect network.

Messages sent are random but can be controlled with --with-seed. For debugging you can also use --tick-duration to control the rate and --verbose to get more logs.


Use stack.

stack build
stack test
stack repl

I also recommend ghcid for a faster development cycle.

ghcid -c 'stack repl --test --main-is "chatterbox:test:chatterbox-test"' -T main

Communication protocol

Chatterbox uses a simple point-to-point communication with the goals of partition tolerance and consistency.

It broadcasts the same message by passing it to all specified peers. This operation is synchronous in a way; a node will be broadcasting the same message over and over until all the peers confirm the reception, then it will move to the next message in the series.

When a message is received it will go into receive buffer. If there is a message already in the receive buffer it will get commited into received messages. Then it will be acknowledged back to the sender. If the message is the same as the one in the buffer noting happens. Sender will store the acknowledgements to track when to move on with the series. This means that receiving a newer message than the one in the buffer means that all the nodes in the cluster have seen it and it's thus safe to commit.

This part relies on there being enough network connectivity int the wait phase at the end to receive all the acknowledgedments otherwise some nodes might flush their receive buffers an other not. However because the buffer is limited to a single message this means that the difference in the count of received messages between nodes is bounded by the number of nodes (at most 1 per node) even in the case of lack of network connectivity.


Chatterbox uses Cloud Haskell (distributed-process) for the network layer. However it doesn't use any of the smart backends (you need to manually specify nodes) or remote code execution. Instead each node defines 3 actors (well, Processes)

  • ticker - emits a Tick periodically, this triggers message sending. It can also be pre-emptively woken up (by a message) if acknowledgements are received before the timeout runs out so the throughput is better.
  • worker - listens for local messages and runs the main loop (see below), passing in the events
  • listener listens for remote messages and wraps them into local messages before passing them to worker

Main loop

A loop that runs a reducer over incoming messages and holds the current application state. The reducer is the big function that implements the state machine of the protocol


The random numbers sent between the nodes are conceptually fractional number but they are encoded in fixed precision using Integer type and only formatted at the very end for display.


diagram text