
Working demo of calling Haskell from Python

Primary LanguageHaskell

Calling Haskell from Python

This is scraped together from several blog posts.

It shows an example how to build Haskell code (Test.hs) and call it from python (test.py).

It uses Haskell FFI to export C-style functions and ctypes to call them from Pythons. Haskell code is built into a dynamic shared library and loaded from CPython.

Building and running

make run

This will run ghc with some options

  • -O2 compile wtih optimizations
  • --make automatically compile imported modules
  • -shared produes a shared library
  • -dynamic use dynamic linking for Haskell dependencies (and stdlib)
  • -fPIC generate relocatable code
  • -o Test.so output filename
  • -lHSrts_debug-ghc7.10.3 link Haskell runtime
  • Test.hs our source entry point
  • module_init.c the C boilerplate to manage Haskell runtime