
Primary LanguagePython


A small python seed to create a Whatsapp Bot, with regex-callback routes (just like a web framework).
(practical extension of the examples on https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup)

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

Unfortunately, after some updates in the whatsapp servers, bots are beeing banned real quickly. Some just last a couple hours.
Whatsapp does not have an open protocol, so yowsup -- the core implementation behind this seed -- relies on reverse engineering to understand the messages exchange. Right now there is a lot of issues with this implementation.
This project had a good run, was really useful and bots prior to the server update could run for months without any trouble. Right now is very unstable and unreliable due the ban problem.
If a new library/protocol update solves this issue, the work will return. Until then, sadly, the project will be on hold.

What it does?

  • Basic message handling:

  • Automatic media (images and videos) download, and url print screens

  • Youtube Video Downloads, and Text to Speech

  • Google image and web search

  • Group administration
    and a bit more...


  1. Install the image handling system dependencies on bash opt/system-requirements.sh
  2. Create a virtualenv and install the requirements pip install -r opt/requirements.pip
  3. Follow the instructions on src/config.py to get the whatsapp credentials.
  4. Then just run the server with python src/server.py

Or with Docker!

$ git clone https://github.com/joaoricardo000/whatsapp-bot-seed/
$ cd whatsapp-bot-seed
(Edit Dockerfile to include your credentials)
$ docker build -t whatsapp-bot .
$ docker run -p whatsapp-bot

The server will be running. Access http://localhost:9005 (default: admin:password) for process controll and logs.

To create your own views, check out src/router.py and src/view/basic_views.py for examples.