
demo projects, prototypes

Primary LanguageJava

Demo projects

Build and test

  • Clone in Desktop
  • Open in IDE (contains Eclipse project files)
  • Every project has test-src folder with JUnit tests


Demo dir contains examples of work with all projects. Run them in IDE.


SocketServer can be used for tcp socket communications:

int port = 11002;
int maxThreads = 10;
SocketServer server = new SocketServer(port, maxThreads, new SocketWriterHander());

SocketWriterHander processes a connection and releases it for disconnecting:

public static class HttpEchoHandler extends SocketWriterHander {
	protected void process(Socket openedSocket, BufferedReader socketReader, PrintWriter socketWriter, SocketServer owner) throws Throwable {
		String echo = "";
		String line = socketReader.readLine();
		while( hasText(line)){
			echo += line + "\n";
			line = socketReader.readLine();
		socketWriter.println("SocketSever. Echo example:\n"+echo);

See full example.


SocketsPool creates pooled tcp connections and can be used like socket's client:

String host = "localhost";
int port = 11002;
SocketsPool pool = new SocketsPool(host, port);

SocketConnHandler processes a connection and returns it to the pool for other handlers:

String answer = pool.invoke(new SocketConnHandler<String>() {
	public String handle(SocketConn c) throws IOException {
		PrintWriter writer = c.getWriter();
		BufferedReader reader = c.getReader();
		return reader.readLine();

See full example.


JsonSocketServer is extension of SocketServer with JSON protocol for java objects serialization and with AES128 encryption:

int port = 11001;
int maxThreads = 10;
String secureKey = "3rw!!esafd";

JsonSocketServer server = new JsonSocketServer(port, maxThreads);

server.putController(Req.class, new ReqController<Req, Resp>() {
	public Resp processReq(Req data, SocketAddress remoteAddress) throws Exception {
		System.out.println("Client req: " + data);
		Resp resp = new Resp("echo: "+data.in);
		return resp;

JsonSocketClient uses SocketsPool and has easy 'request-response' api:

String host = "localhost";
int port = 11001;
int maxConnections = 10;
int idleConnections = 5;
String secureKey = "3rw!!esafd";

JsonSocketClient client = new JsonSocketClient(host, port, maxConnections, idleConnections);

//request - response
Future<Object> futureResult = client.invokeAsync(new Req("hello"));
Resp resp = (Resp)futureResult.get();

See full example.


NoSql database for storing a comments in JSON format and fast read them.


  • Creating 10.000 urls with 500 comments (5.000.000 total comments count)
  • 40MB RAM
  • 3,2GB HDD

See the test.

This database was created and used in freecom.me project.

See example of work.