
The latest and greatest options for Infinite Red opinions on the Ignite boilerplate

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Ignite IR Boilerplate ("Andross")

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The latest and greatest boilerplate for Infinite Red opinions

This is the boilerplate that Infinite Red uses as a way to test bleeding-edge changes to our React Native stack.

Currently includes:

  • React Native 0.55.1 (but you can change this if you want to experiment)
  • React Navigation
  • Redux
  • Redux Sagas
  • And more!

Quick Start

When you've installed the Ignite CLI, you can get started with this boilerplate like this:

ignite new MyLatestCreation

You can also change the React Native version, just keep in mind, we may not have tested this just yet.

ignite new MyLatestCreation --react-native-version 0.46.0-rc.2

By default we'll ask you some questions during install as to which features you'd like. If you just want them all, you can skip the questions:

ignite new MyLatestCreation --max

If you want very few of these extras:

ignite new MyLatestCreation --min

Boilerplate walkthrough

Your App folder is where most of the goodies are found in an Ignite Next app. Let's walk through them in more detail. Start with Containers/App.js (described below) and work your way down the walkthrough in order.


Containers are (mostly) full screens, although they can be sections of screens or application containers.

  • App.js - your main application. We create a Redux store and configure it here
  • RootContainer.js - main view of your application. Contains your status bar and navigation component
  • LaunchScreen.js - this is the first screen shown in your application. It's loaded into the Navigation component
  • LoginScreen.js - an example login screen. Read the comments in there to learn more!
  • Styles - styling for each of the above containers and screens

To generate a new Container or Screen you can use the following generator commands:

  • ignite g container New - Will create a New.js and also a Styles/NewStyle.js.
  • ignite g list New - The same as the container command, but it will give you a walkthrough to generate a ListView screen. Allowing you to even pick FlatList or not, grid, and some other options.
  • ignite g screen New - Will create a NewScreen.js and also a Styles/NewScreenStyle.js. Important to mention that the screen generator will add the Screen on the file/class name to make easier to identify.

Those commands will also add the new container to the navigations file.


Your primary and other navigation components reside here.

  • AppNavigation.js - loads in your initial screen and creates your menu(s) in a StackNavigation
  • Styles - styling for the navigation
  • ReduxNavigation.js - This file contains the core navigation of your application. If you ever change your launch screen, make sure to change it also at if (nav.routes.length === 1 && (nav.routes[0].routeName === 'LaunchScreen')) {, otherwise you may encounter navigation problems with the Android back button!


React components go here...pretty self-explanatory. We won't go through each in detail -- open each file to read the comments and view the code.

To generate a new Component you can use the following generator commands:

  • ignite g component New - Will create a New.js and also a Styles/NewStyle.js.
  • ignite g component path/New - The same as above, but will use a relative path
  • ignite g component --folder path - An alternative to ignite g component path/index
  • ignite g component --folder path new - An alternative to ignite g component relativePath/New


Storybook has been setup to show off components in the different states. Storybook is a great way to develop and test components outside of use in your app. Simply run npm run storybook to get started. All stores are contained in the *.story.js files along side the components.


Styling themes used throughout your app styles.

  • ApplicationStyles.js - app-wide styles
  • Colors.js - defined colors for your app
  • Fonts.js - defined fonts for your app
  • Images.js - loads and caches images used in your app
  • Metrics.js - useful measurements of things like navBarHeight


Initialize and configure things here.

  • AppConfig.js - simple React Native configuration here
  • DebugConfig.js - define how you want your debug environment to act
  • ReactotronConfig.js - configures Reactotron in your project (Note: this will be extracted into a plugin in the future)
  • ReduxPersist.js - configures Redux Persist (Note: this will be extracted into a plugin in the future)


Contains json files that mimic API responses for quicker development. These are used by the Services/FixtureApi.js object to mock API responses.

Redux, Sagas

Contains a preconfigured Redux and Redux-Sagas setup. Review each file carefully to see how Redux interacts with your application.

Here again we have generators to help you out. You just have to use one of the following:

  • ignite g redux Amazing - Will generate and link the redux for Amazing.
  • ignite g saga Amazing - The same as above, but for the Sagas

TODO: explain more about Redux & Redux Sagas here


Contains your API service and other important utilities for your application.

  • Api.js - main API service, giving you an interface to communicate with your back end
  • ExamplesRegistry.js - lets you view component and Ignite plugin examples in your app
  • FixtureApi.js - mocks your API service, making it faster to develop early on in your app
  • ImmutablePersistenceTransform.js - part of the redux-persist implementation (will be removed)
  • RehydrationServices.js - part of the redux-persist implementation (will be removed)


We recommend using this folder for modules that can be extracted into their own NPM packages at some point.


Contains actual images (usually png) used in your application.


Helpers for transforming data between API and your application and vice versa. An example is provided that you can look at to see how it works.


This folder (located as a sibling to App) contains sample Jest snapshot and unit tests for your application.

If you would like to have the ignite generate command include the generation of tests when available, add "test": "jest" or "test": "ava" to ./ignite/ignite.json, depending on the test runner you are using.

Previous Boilerplates

Premium Support

Ignite CLI and Ignite IR Boilerplate, as open source projects, are free to use and always will be. Infinite Red offers premium Ignite CLI support and general mobile app design/development services. Email us at hello@infinite.red to get in touch with us for more details.