
Composer template for WordPress projects.

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Composer Template for WordPress Projects

This project template should provide a kickstart for managing your site dependencies with Composer.

This project consist of:

  • WordPress core: johnpbloch/wordpress-core-installer
  • Repository https://wpackagist.org/ to install WordPress plugins and themes
  • composer/installers to set custom paths for plugins and themes
  • drupal-composer/preserve-paths to exclude paths for plugins and themes under version control
  • wodby.yml that runs composer install. You can remove it if you're not using Wodby


By default, wordpress core will be installed in ./web directory. Plugins and themes are installed in ./web/wp-content/plugins and ./web/wp-content/themes.


  1. First you need to install composer
  2. Fork and clone this repository
  3. Run composer install in your repository root

How to install WordPress plugins and themes?

Update require section in composer.json as described on https://wpackagist.org/

How to manage my custom themes and plugins under version control?

  1. Exclude path to your plugin or theme from .gitignore. Example for theme under web/wp-content/themes/my-custom-theme/:
  2. Add the same path to your composer.json under extra > preserve-paths:
    "preserve-paths": [
  3. Add your plugin/theme directory under version control
  4. Run composer install. Composer will install WordPress core and keep your custom theme

Deployment via Wodby

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Connect the repository to Wodby
  3. Deploy new app, choose WordPress stack, on the 2nd step of the form choose connected repository and enter web as Codebase dir