
*We are in the process of updating this design to support multiple peripheral types on each port based on a top level parameter as well as documentation, demonstration platform and test setup. The current design has parameterization for up to 3 UART ports, up to 4 I2C ports and up to 10 GPIO pins. Future updates to design will support more flexibility in number of ports and addition of I2C, UART, SPI, JTAG, GPIO, and potentially I3C.


The USB2Peripheral reference design enables GOWIN FPGAs to bridge between USB 2.0 and a variety of peripheal interfaces types and ports. The design can used to communicate, control, configure and program various semiconductor ICs such as microcontrollers, FPGAs, sensors, and more.

Key Features

  1. USB 2.0 PHY and Device Controller
  2. Configurable Number of Interfaces and GPIOs
  3. Up to 4 I2C Interfaces
  4. Up to 3 UART Interfaces
  5. Up to 10 General Purpose IOs
  6. Windows, Linux and MacOS VCP (Virtual COM Port) Drivers Compatibility
  7. WinUSB and LibUSB Drivers for control of I2C and GPIO


Top Level Port List

Port Direction Pin Number Description
num_i2c_ports - - 1 to 4 I2C ports
num_uart_ports - - 1 to 3 UART ports
num_gpio - - 1 to 10 GPIOs
Input Clocks
CLK_IN Input 10 50Mhz (USB)
I2C Interfaces 1 through 4
I2C_SCL[1:4] inout 81,83,85,15 I2C Clocks 1-4
I2C_SDA[1:4] inout 82,84,86,16 I2C Data 1-4
UART Interfaces 1 through 3
UART_TXD[1:3] Output 31,29,27 UART Transmit 1-3
UART_RXD[1:3] Input 30,28,26 UART Receive 1-3
General Purpose IO
PARALLEL_GPIO[9:0] Output 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42 GPIOs 0-9
USB 2.0 Interface
usb_vbus Input 31 USB VBUS Monitor
usb_dxp_io Input/Output 73 USB IO Data
usb_dxn_io Input/Output 72 USB IO Data
usb_rxdp_i Input 77 USB IO Monitor
usb_rxdn_i Input 71 USB IO Monitor
usb_pullup_en_o Output 80 USB 1.5k Pull Up Control
usb_term_dp_io Input/Output 75 USB Termination Control
usb_term_dn_io Input/Output 74 USB Termination Control

FPGA Project

The GOWIN FPGA project targets the GOWIN GW2AR-18 FPGA device and the GOWIN DK_USB2.0. This provides a vast amount of resources for design expansion and debug. Please note that the GOWIN USB 2.0 PHY IP requires a C8/I7 speed grade. The DK-USB2.0 board may contain a slower speed grade device such as C7/I6. For functional development purposes this will not cause issues with running the demo or using it to prototype your solution. However, to ensure timing closure over all process, voltage and temperature ranges please choose C8/I7 for products and board designs going into production.

How to Open FPGA Project
  1. Ensure latest version of GOWIN EDA is installed and an active license is setup
  2. Open GOWIN EDA
  3. File --> Open --> Navigate to 'gwusb_bridges.gprj'

The reference design is written in Verilog HDL. Pin constraints for the GOWIN DK_USB2.0 Development Board are setup in the gwusb_bridges.cst and timing constraints for the various clock domains is provided in gwusb_bridges.sdc. The below table describes each Verilog file in the design and its function in the design.

Verilog Design File Name Module Name Description
TOP.v Top Top Level Design
gowin_rPLL.v Gowin_rPLL USB Clock Domain PLL (480Mhz and 60mhz)
usb_uart_ctrl.vp usb_uart_ctrl Control of UART PHYs via USB device controller
iic.v atciic100 I2C PHY
usb_i2c_ctrl.vp usb_i2c_ctrl Control of I2C PHYs via USB device controller
usb_gpio_ctrl.vp usb_gpio_ctrl Control of GPIOs via USB device controller
USB_Device_Controller_Top.v USB_Device_Controller_Top USB 1.1/2.0 Device Controller
usb2_0_softphy_top.v USB2_0_SoftPHY_Top USB 2.0 PHY
usb_descriptor_iic_spi_upar.vp usb_desc USB Device Descriptor Initialization
Constraint file Description
gwusb_bridges.cst Pin Constraint File
gwusb_bridges.sdc Clock and Timing Constraint File

Resource Utilization

The GOWIN USB 2.0 to Peripheal Reference Design is optimized for low density FPGAs and can fit in both LittleBee and Aurora FPGA product families. The design resources are dependent on the types and number of interfaces used. A design with four I2C ports, three UART ports and 10 GPIOs is under 7.5K LUTs making it the ideal choice for developing a variety of different products.

Resource Type Resource Count (4xI2C, 3xUART, 10xGPIO)
LUT 7267
REG 2955

Fabric Clocks FMAX

Clock Operating Frequency (Mhz) Maximum Frequency (Mhz) Description
CLK_IN 50 NA Reference Clock to PLL
USB_FCLK 480 NA USB Serializer
USB_PCLK 60 60.498 USB UTMI System
USB_CLKDIV 120 160.611 USB PHY Internal

Demo Setup

The GOWIN USB 2.0 to Peripheal Reference Design targets the DK-USB2.0 Development board. Each interface can be tested individual or together in various ways. The next sections will describe one method for testing and getting started with communication over each interface.

I2C Demonstration Setup: GOWIN DK-USB2.0 + 3rd party I2C to USB Adapter

The below image shows a method for testing the I2C interfaces of the USB to Peripheal Reference Design. I2C ports are connected to IO on the J25 header of the GOWIN DK-USB2.0 Development Board. A 3rd party USB to I2C Slave box can be used to provide a slave device for testing the interface. For our setup we used the "BUS ADAPTER" by Toomoss (availible at, but other adapters can be used for the same type of test.


winusb.sys or libusb.sys drivers must be installed for the GOWIN DK-USB2.0 Development Board and the reference design based on the opperating system being used.

####Steps to install winusb.sys Driver on Windows

  1. Download and install Zadig-2.7.exe (as administrator) *\USB2Peripheral\sw\Windows\GWUSB2XX_Multi_Channels_Win_V1.0\tool\Zadig-2.7.exe
  2. ...

UART Demonstration Setup: GOWIN DK-USB2.0 + 3rd party UART to USB Adapter

The below image shows a method for testing the UART interfaces of the USB to Peripheral Reference Design. The PC is connected to J29 on DVK board, the third pins of J17 (RXD) and J18 (TXD) are the data signal of UART1, which are connected to the PC through a third party USB2UART tool. Data Read/Write transmission can be Observed through the GW Multi-Protocol-USB-Bridge test program and a PC Serial Port Debugging Tool (With installed SW Driver).


UART Demonstration Setup: GOWIN DK-USB2.0 + 3rd party GPIP to USB Adapter

[To Do]