
Nix flake evaluation regression testing

Primary LanguageNix

Scripts to generate/run flake regression tests.


Get the regression data:

# git clone git@github.com:DeterminateSystems/flake-regressions-data.git tests

Running a version of Nix against the regression test suite

Ensure that the desired version of nix is in $PATH, e.g.

# nix shell nix/2.18.1

Run the test suite:

# rm tests/*/*/*/done
# ./eval-all.sh

Updating the test suite

Optionally get new public flakes from FlakeHub:

# ./get-flake-list.sh

Then regenerate the test suite:

# rm tests/*/*/*/done
# REGENERATE=1 ./eval-all.sh
# ./commit-all.sh
# (cd tests && git commit && git push)