
Simple declarative bindings for Ant Design and Formik.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status All Contributors license



Simple declarative bindings for Ant Design and Formik.


import React from "react";
import { Form, Input, InputNumber, Checkbox } from "@jbuschke/formik-antd";
import { Formik } from "formik";

  initialValues={{ firstName: "", age: 20, newsletter: false }}
  render={()=> (
      <Input name="firstName" placeholder="First Name" />
      <InputNumber name="age" min={0} />
      <Checkbox name="newsletter">Newsletter</Checkbox>

Getting started

npx create-react-app my-app
cd my-app
npm install formik antd @jbuschke/formik-antd
npm run start

Add import "antd/dist/antd.css to your index.js file (or look at https://ant.design/docs/react/getting-started for other options).

Core Concept

This library enriches several Ant Design components with a name: string property that connects them to a Formik form field. It is pretty simple:

  1. Import a supported Ant Design component from formik-antd (i.e. import { Input } from "@jbuschke/formik-antd".
  2. Declare an instance of the component inside a <Formik> component.
  3. Provide the name property (i.e. "firstName").

Your components input/value state is now connected/synced with the corresponding Formik field!

The Ant Design components are feature rich and provide a lot of props to customize their vizual presentation. These features and also their apis stay the same. Visit their documentation to learn more.

Core Components

To learn about Antd components just visit the official docs. Most supported components are found in the Data Entry section.

Name Props
AutoComplete { name, validate? } & AutoCompleteProps
Cascader { name, validate? } & CascaderProps
Checkbox { name, validate? } & CheckboxProps
Checkbox.Group { name, validate? } & CheckboxGroupProps
DatePicker { name, validate? } & DatePickerProps
DatePicker.WeekPicker { name, validate? } & WeekPickerProps
DatePicker.RangePicker { name, validate? } & RangePickerProps
DatePicker.MonthPicker { name, validate? } & MonthPickerProps
Input { name, validate? } & InputProps
InputNumber { name, validate? } & InputNumberProps
Input.Password { name, validate? } & InputPasswordProps
Input.TextArea { name, validate? } & Input.TextAreaProps
Mention { name, validate? } & MentionProps
Radio.Group { name, validate? } & RadioGroupProps
Rate { name, validate? } & RateProps
Select { name, validate? } & SelectProps
Slider { name, validate? } & SliderProps
Switch { name, validate? } & SwitchProps
TimePicker { name, validate? } & TimePickerProps
Transfer { name, validate? } & TransferProps
TreeSelect { name, validate? } & TreeSelectProps

Form- and Field-level Validation

Formik provides form- and field-level validation callbacks to provide validation logic. How to validate is neither part of formik nor of this library.

Form-level validation is done by setting formiks validate prop. Field-level validation is optional available on the components. Additional to the name prop formiks optional validate?: (value: any) => undefined | string | Promise<any> is added to all core components to allow field-level validation. There is one special case to be aware of when using field-level validation: When using the Form.Item component with another Antd-field component, the validate prop has to be added to the Form.Item, not the input component:

<Form.Item name="firstName" validate={validator}>
  <Input name="firstName" />

Rendering Validation Feedback

Showing validation messages can be accomplished with the Form.Item component (or FormItem which is the same). It

  • renders error messages if the field has been touched and the corresponding field has a validation error (and changes the border color of enclosed input component to red).
  • renders a green success icon messages if it's showValidateSuccess: boolean prop is set to true, the field has been touched and the corresponding field does not have a validation error.
  • exposes some layout features and a label (visit https://ant.design/components/form/ for the details).
<Form.Item name="firstName" >
  <Input name="firstName" />

Submitting and Resetting Forms

Directly under each <Formik> container a <Form> component should be placed (unless you do not need it). This component composes the functionality provided by Ant Designs <Form> https://ant.design/components/form/ as well as Formiks (https://jaredpalmer.com/formik/docs/api/form):

import React from "react";
import { Form, SubmitButton, /* ... */ } from "@jbuschke/formik-antd";
import { Formik } from "formik";

    {/* ... */}
    <SubmitButton />

Submitting & Resetting

Name Props Description
SubmitButton Button triggers form submission, is enabled when form valid
ResetButton Button resets the form, is enabled when form dirty

The SubmitButton must be placed inside a Form component.

Lists and Nested objects

Nested objects and arrays can be accessed with lodash-like bracket syntax as described in the Formik documentation.

<InputField name="friends[0].firstName" />

ES imports

npm install babel-plugin-import customize-cra react-app-rewired --save-dev


const path = require('path')
const { override, fixBabelImports } = require('customize-cra')

module.exports = override(
    fixBabelImports('antd', {
        libraryName: 'antd',
        libraryDirectory: 'es',
        style: 'css',
            libraryName: '@jbuschke/formik-antd',
            libraryDirectory: 'es'
            style: "css",


  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-app-rewired start",
    "build": "react-app-rewired build"


Treeshaking with ant design is currently kind of broken, as generally all icons are imported. This will be fixed as of ant design v4 (might be ready in 2019).

Playground & Contributions

If you want to dig into the source code and test locally you can use https://github.com/jannikbuschke/Formik-antd-playground (clone with the --recursive flag and follow the README, its pretty simple).


Types are included.

Typechecking limitations

Form values currently cannot be typechecked (at least to my knowledge). For example the following ideally would give a compile error:

<Formik<{name:string}> initialValues={{name:""}}>
  <Input name="naem" />

Typescript cannot (yet) enforce types of children. In the future this hopefully will be possible.




Special thanks to all contributors:

Nile Daley
Nile Daley

James W Mann
James W Mann

Jannik Buschke
Jannik Buschke

Lars-Jørgen Kristiansen
Lars-Jørgen Kristiansen



Pavan Agrawal
Pavan Agrawal


Yury Kozhenov
Yury Kozhenov

Tonye Jack
Tonye Jack


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!