
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

ITC2019 Solver

This is the source code of the solver used to compete in the International Timetabling Competition 2019.


.NET Core (2.1 or higher) is required to build the solver.

Common build targets are provided in the Makefile: linux-x64, win-x64, osx-x64.

To build standalone binaries, run either of the following commands:

$ make linux
$ make win
$ make osx

# Builds all targets
$ make all # or just make

Output is written to bin/{platform}.


The executable file Timetabling.CLI accepts the following arguments:

USAGE: Timetabling.CLI [--help] --instance <path> [--solution <path>] [--seed <seed>]


    --instance <path>     XML problem path.
    --solution <path>     Solution to reload.
    --seed <seed>         Seed number.

Shortcut scripts are provided in the repo root: run-linux.sh, run-win.cmd, run-osx.sh.


./run-linux.sh --instance /path/to/wbg-fal10.xml

The solver will routinely print stats and save solution backups. Sending Control+C will stop the solver and save the best solution.

Solutions are saved relative to the working directory with format solution_<instance>_<seed>.xml.


MIT License