

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


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Remake made from: Vue-ui-preloader.

Main changes

  • Added support for Vue 3.
  • Fixed the issue where the "overflowHidden" class remained active after the first use.
  • Added options to add text to the loaders and customize them.

Demo and playground

Live demo - https://vue3-ui-preloader.netlify.app/

Playground Website. Adjust the settings using the playground options. On the bottom of the page you will find the source code that you can directly use in your project or you can manually change the props.

npm link - https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue3-ui-preloader

Vue 3 blitz link - https://stackblitz.com/edit/vue-caijgu?file=src%2FApp.vue


# use yarn
yarn add vue3-ui-preloader
# use npm
npm install --save vue3-ui-preloader


Vue 3 blitz link - https://stackblitz.com/edit/vue-caijgu?file=src%2FApp.vue

In your main.js

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import loader from "vue3-ui-preloader";

// Import the CSS or use your own!
import "vue3-ui-preloader/dist/loader.css"

const app = createApp(App)

app.component('loader', loader)


In your template

	<loader  name="spinning" loadingText="LOADING..." textColor="#ffffff" textSize="20" textWeight="500" object="#ff9633" color1="#ffffff" color2="#17fd3d" size="5" speed="2" bg="#343a40" objectbg="#999793" opacity="80" :disableScrolling="true"></loader>

NOTE: The best way to control the loader is to have a flag and use it in a v-if or v-show statement.
You can either use the playground website to automatically get all the props set or you can set them manaully using the below prop list. You can also resort to not passing any prop, in this case the preloader will use default settings.


CDN demo link - https://jsfiddle.net/1t0jyeqh/10/

In your index.html

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue3-ui-preloader"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://unpkg.com/vue3-ui-preloader/dist/loader.css">

In your template

<div id="app">
	<loader  name="spinning" loadingText="LOADING..." textColor="#ffffff" textSize="20" textWeight="500" object="#ff9633" color1="#ffffff" color2="#17fd3d" size="5" speed="2" bg="#343a40" objectbg="#999793" opacity="80" :disableScrolling="true"></loader>

In your main.js

const { createApp } = Vue

const app = createApp(loader)



Name Type Default Description
name string 'spinning' decides the type of loader. (Ex: spinning, dots, loading, circular, box)
object string '#ff9633' set the color of the loaders. (Ex: hex or color)
loadingText string 'LOADING...' set the text of some loaders.
textColor string '#ffffff' set the color of the loadingText. (Ex: hex or color)
textSize number '15' set the size of the loadingText.
textWeight number/string '800' set the weight of the loadingText. (Ex: 800, bold)
color1 string only for circular set the color of the circular loader disk1. (Ex: hex or color)
color2 string only for circular set the color of the circular loader disk2. (Ex: hex or color)
size number 5 set the size of loader.
bg string '#343a40' set the color of the loader background. (Ex: hex or color)
objectbg string '#999793' set the color of the loader object background. (Ex: hex or color)
opacity number 80 set the opacity of background.
speed number 2 animation speed in seconds.
disableScrolling boolean false disable page scrolling when preloader is open.


© Gonçalo Bastos