
Leiningen template for generating a skeleton mesos framework

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


A Leiningen template for building a mesos framework using Clojure.


Install the following:


It has been released now on Clojars, so you can use lein new mesos-framework.

Instead, here's the current workflow:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. From the cloned repository's root directory, run Leiningen with the mesos-framework template
  3. Start Vagrant from the resulting project directory
  4. Once all nodes have started, SSH into the master node using vagrant ssh master
  5. Go to the default project directory and start a Clojure REPL

Step 3 notes:

  • Vagrant will download and decompress a base image before starting the first time.
  • You can optionally supply a MESOS_SLAVES=<count> environment variable. Default is 2.
lein new mesos-framework awesome-mix-vol2
cd awesome-mix-vol2
vagrant up
vagrant ssh master
cd /vagrant
lein repl

Now create your own Mesos framework!



  • Ed Paget (@edpaget)
  • Prasanna Gautam (@prasincs)


Many thanks to the following folks for helping out with testing. We appreciate the invaluable feedback provided by the folks here.

  • Brent Vukmer (@BrentVukmer)
  • Issac Praveen (@icylisper)
  • David Greenberg (@dgrnbrg)
  • Marc Bollinger (@slpsys)


Copyright © 2015 FIXME

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.