GameDriver Sample Test

This project is intended to demonstrate the structure and usage of a GameDriver NUnit test for Unity. The project includes a Sample .NET 4.7.x project in Visual Studio with the NUnit 3 Test Adapter, NUnit Console Runner, and requires the latest version of the GameDriver API client which can be found at

The test setup in this example includes techniques for running against the Unity Editor, standalone build on macOS or Windows, or running on a Mobile device. This is provided for example purposes only, and is not required in all testing. A basic setup can simply follow the form:

ApiClient api;

public void Connect()
  api = new ApiClient();
  api.Connect(testHost, 19734, false, 30);

This template can be used for testing against the editor or a standelone build, and can be modified to include additional tests - simply add the test attribute:

public void AnotherTest()
  // Do some more testing

Additional documentation can be found at on the GameDriver Support website.

Contributions are encouraged, and appreciated.

Visit for more information.