
Masters-level applied econometrics course—focusing on prediction—at the University of Oregon (EC424/524 during Winter quarter, 2023) Taught by Ed Rubin

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EC 524/424, Winter 2023

Welcome to Economics 524 (424): Prediction and machine-learning in econometrics, taught by Ed Rubin and Brietta Russell.


Lecture Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00a–11:20a (Pacific), 175 Lillis

Lab Friday, 12:00p–12:50p (Pacific), 191 Anstett

Office hours

  • Ed Rubin Tu., 3:30p–5p, PLC 519
  • Brietta Russell Fr., 11:00a–12:00p, PLC 507




Required books

Suggested books

Lecture notes

000 - Overview (Why predict?)

  1. Why do we have a class on prediction?
  2. How is prediction (and how are its tools) different from causal inference?
  3. Motivating examples

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd

Readings Introduction in ISL

001 - Statistical learning foundations

  1. Why do we have a class on prediction?
  2. How is prediction (and how are its tools) different from causal inference?
  3. Motivating examples

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


Supplements Unsupervised character recognization

002 - Model accuracy

  1. Model accuracy
  2. Loss for regression and classification
  3. The variance-bias tradeoff
  4. The Bayes classifier
  5. KNN

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


  • ISL Ch2–Ch3
  • Optional: 100ML Preface and Ch1–Ch4

003 - Resampling methods

  1. Review
  2. The validation-set approach
  3. Leave-out-out cross validation
  4. k-fold cross validation
  5. The bootstrap

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


  • ISL Ch5
  • Optional: 100ML Ch5

004 - Linear regression strikes back

  1. Returning to linear regression
  2. Model performance and overfit
  3. Model selection—best subset and stepwise
  4. Selection criteria

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


  • ISL Ch3
  • ISL Ch6.1

In between: tidymodels-ing

005 - Shrinkage methods

(AKA: Penalized or regularized regression)

  1. Ridge regression
  2. Lasso
  3. Elasticnet

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


  • ISL Ch4
  • ISL Ch6

006 - Classification intro

  1. Introduction to classification
  2. Why not regression?
  3. But also: Logistic regression
  4. Assessment: Confusion matrix, assessment criteria, ROC, and AUC

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


  • ISL Ch4

007 - Decision trees

  1. Introduction to trees
  2. Regression trees
  3. Classification trees—including the Gini index, entropy, and error rate

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


  • ISL Ch8.1–Ch8.2

008 - Ensemble methods

  1. Introduction
  2. Bagging
  3. Random forests
  4. Boosting

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


  • ISL Ch8.2

009 - Support vector machines

  1. Hyperplanes and classification
  2. The maximal margin hyperplane/classifier
  3. The support vector classifier
  4. Support vector machines

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


  • ISL Ch9

010 - Dimensionality reduction and unsupervised learning

  1. MNIST dataset (machines with vision)
  2. K-means clustering
  3. Principal component analysis (PCA)
  4. UMAP

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd


Planned projects

000 Predicting sales price in housing data (Kaggle)

Due Jan 31 by 11:59 PM Pacific


001 Validation and out-of-sample performance

Due Feb 15 by 11:59 PM Pacific

002 Penalized regression, logistic regression, and classification

Due Feb 28 by 11:59 PM Pacific

003 Nonlinear predictors

Due Mar 07 by 11:59 PM Pacific

004 Image/multi-class classification (MNIST)

Class project

Outline of the project

Topic and group due by February 16th.

Final project submission due by midnight on March 16th.

Final exam

Take-home portion
Submit on Canvas by 11:59 pm Pacific on Thursday, 23 March 2023
Weight: Approximately 25%

In-class portion
Tuesday (21 March) at 8:30 am (PLC 410) or Thursday (23 March) at 8:00 am (Lillis 175)
Weight: Approximately 75%

Lab notes

Approximate/planned topics...

000 - Workflow and cleaning

  1. General "best practices" for coding
  2. Working with RStudio
  3. The pipe (%>%)
  4. Cleaning and Kaggle follow up

Formats .html | .pdf | .Rmd

001 - Workflow and cleaning (continued)

  1. Finish previous lab on dplyr
  2. Working with projects
  3. Using dpylr and ggplot2 to make insightful visuals
  4. How to fix a coding error

Housing data download

Formats .html | .Rmd

002 - Validation

  1. Creating a training and validation data set from your observations dataframe in R
  2. Writing a function to iterate over multiple models to test and compare MSEs

Formats .html | .Rmd

003 - Practice using tidymodels

  1. Cleaning data quickly and efficiently with tidymodels

Formats .html

004 - Practice using tidymodels (continued)

  1. An introduction to preprocessing with tidymodels (refresher from last week)
  2. An introduction to modeling with tidymodels
  3. An introduction to resampling, model tuning, and workflows with tidymodels (will finish up next week)

005 - Summarizing tidymodels

  1. Summarizing tidymodels
  2. Combining pre-split data together and then defining a custom split

006 - Penalized regression in tidymodels + functions + loops

  1. Running a Ridge, Lasso or Elasticnet logistic regression in tidymodels.
  2. A short lesson in writing functions and loops in R)

007 - Finalizing a workflow in tidymodels: Example using a random forest

  1. Finalizing a workflow in tidymodels: Example using a random forest
  2. A short lesson in writing functions and loops in R (continued)

Prediction in the media


A funny convsersation with ChatGPT about what is real.
Parts: 1 2 3 4

Additional resources


Data Science

Spatial data