This is a browser game based on bubble spinner. There is a blob of bubbles in the center of the screen and the player has one bubble in hand to shoot at the blob. If the player connects three or more of the same color bubble, those bubbles will pop. The goal each round is to eliminate all bubbles. If all bubbles are eliminated the player moves on to the next round where each bubble is worth more when popped. If a bubble in the blob touches the outer edge the game is over.
The Game is built using JavaScript along with Canvas.
When struck by the player's bubble the main bubble blob will spin based on the angle of incidence. This is programmed using algebra and trigonometry.
findImpactAngle() {
const slopeA = (this.impactBubble.y - this.initialPos.y)/(this.impactBubble.x - this.initialPos.x);
const slopeB = (this.impactBubble.y/this.impactBubble.x)
const tanAng = ((slopeB - slopeA) /(1 + slopeB*slopeA));
if (!tanAng) {
return 0;
} else if (this.movingAway()) {
return -Math.atan(tanAng);
} else {
return Math.atan(tanAng);
This helps determine the initial speed and direction in which the bubble blob spins based on the impact angle of the bubble shot by the player.
If the player's bubble connects two or more bubbles of its own color those bubbles will pop.
The bubble elimination process uses various breadth first searching algorithms depending on the situation. If the impact bubble connects to two or more of the same color, those bubbles will be popped. Any bubbles who have lost their direct connection to the center will also be popped.
eliminateEntireTree(bubble) {
const choppingBlock = [bubble];
const queue = bubble.touching.slice();
while (queue.length > 0) {
queue[0].touching.forEach((item) => {
if (queue.indexOf(item) === -1 && choppingBlock.indexOf(item) === -1) {
choppingBlock.forEach((sacrifice) => {
this.points += 1 * this.multiplier;
This algorithm eliminates all bubbles connected to a certain bubble. It is used in a case where a bubble is found to have no direct connection to the center. It is careful to not make an attempt to remove the same bubble more than one time.
As the player advances to higher rounds, bubbles will occasionally be added to the main blob to add uncertainty and increase difficulty.