"Lock-Free Ring Buffer" (LFRB) is a minimal, customizable implementation of a ring buffer (a.k.a. circular buffer) in C, specifically suitable for embedded systems.
The ring buffer does not require any "locking" (mutual exclusion mechanism) as long as the following restrictions are met:
- Only one thread/interrupt can produce data into the ring buffer
- Only one thread/interrupt can consume data from the ring buffer
In other words, a given LFRB can be used only by one pair of producer/ consumer threads/interrupts. Fortunately, this is the most frequently encountered scenario.
The ring buffer implementation consists of two files located in the src directory:
- ring_buf.h - contains the interface
- ring_buf.c - contains the implementation
The ring buffer holds elements of they type RingBufElement, which can be customized (typically uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, float, etc.)
The directory test contains test/example of using the ring buffer. Specifically the file test_ring_buf.c tests the whole interface.
LFRB is licensed under the MIT open source license.
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