
React wrapper component for SlickGrid.

Props and Options

Information coming soon...

Setting Up with Local Data

React-SlickGrid requires just one prop to display local data: data.


This prop should be an array objects that contains your row and column information as such:

  { name: "Johnny Appleseed", profession: "Engineer", age: 31 },

Setting Up with Remote (Ajax) Fetching

Remote fetching is built in to this component to work as simple as possible. All you need to do is supply the component with a few default props:


- table

A string of the name of the database table or collection you wish to query on the server.

- endpoint

URL React-SlickGrid will use to request data whenever necessary. Then endpoint itself must be a POST and it should be built to receive the following object:

  table:     STRING  (database table or collection to query),
  limit:     INTEGER (number of records to fetch),
  skip:      INTEGER (number of records to offset),
  sort:      STRING  (sorted column),
  direction: STRING  (sorted column direction; 'ASC' or 'DESC'),
  filter:    OBJECT  (external filter prop for creating a WHERE clause)

Response must be JSON.

- responseItem

This is the property from the JSON response that React-SlickGrid will use to generate your rows and columns. If your records are stored in the response property records as such:

  "records" : [
    { name: "Johnny Appleseed", profession: "Engineer", age: 31 },

Then you would give your component records as the responseItem prop:


- filter

An external JSON object that will be sent to the server for creating a WHERE clause.